What brand of hearing aids do you wear?

Phonak Una M AZ black digital bte's :) and i loveee them! i also have the phonak smartlink fm system...but i dont use it that often :P lol
Two Phonak Savias 311 and one Campus-S transmitter, one ML9S reciever, one remote control. :)
Present HAs were Starkey. I used to have Oticon HAs. My first behind the ear HA start with "Radio" something which was back in early '70s.
Wear two Oticon Synchro P BTE's. My hearing aids are the clear/ translucent color and like that a lot. I'm glad I got that as opposed to beige or something along those lines. Functionally they seem to work good and havent really had defects or problems with them.:fingersx: