What brand of hearing aids do you wear?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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I have Phonak Pico-Fortes BTEs....they RAWK! In the past I've worn: Siemens, Oticon and some obscure brand that probaly isn't even manufactured any more.
What brand of aids do you wear or have worn?
hearing aid

I now wear phonak amio ITE's. both ears. i'm still getting used to them cause I just got them today!
Unitron Unison in my right, Widex Senso Diva in my left.

Why 2 different brands? because i got each aid 5 years apart. Widex's upped their price by about $500 apparently, and Untiron is pretty much the same, only cheaper:D
I wear an Oticon. I've had it for over 10 years and it still works. ;)
I remebered what the brand name of my first aid was....Qualitone!
deafdyke said:
I remebered what the brand name of my first aid was....Qualitone!

:shock: u ACTUALLY remmy qq *thud*

i sure as hell do not remmy the name of my FIRST hearing aids :lol:
LOL.....well I still have my first aid from when I was a little girl. Then again I have my first foot casts, my first AFOS (leg braces) and a lot of other medical keepsakes.
gotcha Deafdyke -- im pretty sure mom has kept my first HAs -- i prolly would eventually find it somewhere in her pile of keepsakes of stuff from me or my sister's childhoods :lol:
My right ear is deaf.

I started with a BTE in my left as a kid (maybe Qualitone), then got smaller with technology.
Full-Shell Miracle Ear
Half-Shell Starky

Now, I wear a Siemens Music CIC (non-digital). It's 6-years old, so I'm overdue for a new one.

Here's my hearing aid history in order:

1972 to 3rd Grade - Zenith body worn aid
3rd grade to 10th grade - Bosch behind the ear aid
10th grade to 1991 - Unitron behind the ear aid
1991 to 2000 - Starkey behind the ear aid
2000 to present - Oticon behind the ear aid

Nancy :)
Nowadays I wear Siemens music D SP. Got them last year.

I don't remember the brands of a couple of HAs I've had worn in the past. :dunno:

I had those pink ones that were very popular back in 90's - cannot remember the name of those hearing aids lol. I was a little girl back then :P

In 97 I got the Benaforn hearing aids... they were okay... didn't work too well in my right ear which is my BAD ear.

I am due to get my new Siemens hearing aids next week :D Government pays for them :naughty:
I have been wearing beltone hearing aids for over 20 years. From the age of five to about 14, then I went to a small ITE on the left ear. A ear infection five years later, I switched to more powerful ITE Optima's for both ears. I was dumb when I was a kid, should have went with two hearing aids instead of two. These are OK, they help me hear but not clear and crisp as much as I like. Might be I still have the programmable analog technology still, I really can't complain since I have never had experience with other hearing aids on the market. Been hearing really good things with the digital hearing aids from Widex. Sure are expensive though.
I have been wearing beltone hearing aids for over 20 years. From the age of five to about 14,
Beltone, and Miricle Ear places are RIPOFFS. They are almost as bad as those ones that are advertised mailorder (like the natureear types)
then I went to a small ITE on the left ear. A ear infection five years later, I switched to more powerful ITE Optima's for both ears. I was dumb when I was a kid, should have went with two hearing aids instead of two. These are OK, they help me hear but not clear and crisp as much as I like. Might be I still have the programmable analog technology still, I really can't complain since I have never had experience with other hearing aids on the market.
Go back to BTEs. ITEs are not generally powerful enough for more then a mild loss. Trust me....I wore BTEs til I was fourteen and then switched to ITE aids. I totally thought I could hear with ITE aids, but was mostly just lipreading. Thank GAWD I went back to BTEs....I had an ITE for a few years on my better hearing ear, which i s mild to moderate loss) (stopped using it b/c it broke) then last year got BTEs for both my ears....WOW the difference is AMAZING! I've also been told by two reputable audis at two respected hearing insistutions (Mass. Eye and Ear and Clarke School for the Deaf)that the baby aids don't provide enough power. You may rediscover the clearness and crispness that you're missing with your current aids. It's NOT about analog vs. digitals either.....my current aids are just analogs....but I can hear SO MUCH with them, compared to my old aids it's amazing! I know you might be worried about cosmetic concerns....but trust me...BTE aids are NOT that noticable! I love how the media makes the larger aids sound like a satillite downlink or something!!!!
I were Oitcon ones. They don't help me. I am trying some more new hearing aids.
I have two pairs of Oticon BTE aids -- one digital and the other analog. I've had my analog aids for 15 years (Oticon 380Ps -- they still work perfectly today) and the digitals (DigiFocus super power BTEs) since 2001. I've always worn Oticon aids so can't compare them with other brands. Having said that, both pairs of HA's have served me well over the years with excellent sound quality and performance.
I just got my phonak digital hearing aid, the supero 412. I m gonna test it for 30 days trail and see if i like it.. but they surely rock!! I couldnt believe i can hear every little details!!! The other one I am supposed to try on for 30 days trail too. It is oiticon analog.. I m not sure if i wanted to switch from this digital aid to analog aid.. Cuz my brain is trying to get used to the digital one. heh