What book are you reading?

Anyone have read To Kill a Mockingbird? I got A grade on an essay report for that book title in English class during in my junior year.
I am kind of tempting to read Mein Kampf written by Adolf Hitler. I was told by a deaf friend that she was shocked to learn that the Mein Kampf books are allowed to read and selling in U.S.A. whereas Europe banned it. She was born and raised in Bulgaria and recently became a U.S. citizen last August. She found a book of its title at some library in D.C., she opened it and did read the whole of its introduction...and she decided to shut the book and won't read any further. It means that kind of book could brainwash you. Well, I have read some parts from Mein Kampf in the papers but it didn't brainwash me or anything like that.
Awesome.:wave: I noticed that you came back here on this AD after 5 years disappearance. Who are you? Lol.

Eh- I'm just somebody who lives in Denver, Colorado. I had another screen name and I forgot all about this screen name til one day it show up in one of my old email. So I figured, why not use this one instead of the other one. I'm not really well known, mind you. :)

I come here every once in a while.