What are you thinking about?

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I have to babysit again today. I am getting tired.
I'm thinking about how it's cold in here, and I'm always so cold...

I'm bleaching a few stripes in my hair at the moment to add some pale blue.
I'm thinking about how it's cold in here, and I'm always so cold...

I'm bleaching a few stripes in my hair at the moment to add some pale blue.

oh you're back! did you make it ok to your audi for mapping?
I have many thoughts going on at the same time..none of which i have a solution for.. I hate it when that happens!

Set priorities. Pick the one that is bothering you most and work on it. Then move to the next. Trying to work on everything at once can be overwhelming.
Yes, I got back in one piece! That was a different appointment (a course I'm on to get confidence and find a job), but I'm going tomorrow for a hearing test- can't hear as well out of my left aid..now I just need to find them...!
Is the hearing test just a check up or is it to find out why you're not hearing much?
Wish my co-worker's soft rock radio would kick the bucket. I've had it up to HERE with Billy Joel and Elton John. :roll:
Lissa, as far as I know it's a normal test, I just asked for one as I haven't had one in a while and am curious to know if my hearing's gotten worse if the aids just need adjusting.
Ah I see!! You've been busy a lot this week, hehe. Is that normal for you?
I remember my audiologist adjusted my hearing aids to increase the sound patterns from several tests. Every-time, I get powerful new hearing aids that makes my hearing decrease slowly later.

Last year, I found my old hearing aids in my closet. I wore them, and they didn't help me at all. I realized that my powerful ones damaged my cochlears' cell-hairs. Maybe, we should think that we don't need to buy new "increase" powerful hearing aids somehow because we need to protect our hair-cells. What do you think about that?
Hmm, that's interesting webexplorer- not sure what to think of that.

Lissa, I usually have nothing except the odd doctor's appointment, but since I started this pathways to work course I have to go there twice a week- once for a group session, and once for a meeting with a personal advisor. Then I got a letter from the jobcentre asking me to see a personal advisor about disabilities and employment support allowance etc, so I'm going to that after my audiology appt. The pathways people have other things too, like cooking every week, which I fancy going to.
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