What are you thinking about? Part VI

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In Hazzard County
Super Moderator
Premium Member
Nov 30, 2005
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Continued from: Part V

Carry on folks. ;)
Thinking I am glad the weather is cooling off. And that my puppy is being absolutely adorable , sitting very close to me ,, sleeping with her head resting on my leg. :)
I thinking to figure out rough, I wait for Ex :P I exciting fun!
Just wondering if there is anybody on here that have similiar interests as i do. I have seen some really nice and awesome people but have yet to try to talk to them. My Social awkwardness needs to go away. >=(
Thinking I am glad the weather is cooling off. And that my puppy is being absolutely adorable , sitting very close to me ,, sleeping with her head resting on my leg. :)

Marty likes to do the too , fall asleep with his head on my leg. I hate to get up as he is so cute. Is your dog part poodle?
I am thinking WTF bite my neck! I have a red ring on my neck about the size of a quarter and it starting to swell up. I did not feel anything biting me. It is tender to touch but not itchy.
Marty likes to do the too , fall asleep with his head on my leg. I hate to get up as he is so cute. Is your dog part poodle?

Yes. She is half Maltese, and half Poodle. :)

And she is very smart! So the Poodle half came through on intelligence!
I was generally just answering the "what are you thinking about" question. But My interests consists of Doctor who and a few geeky hobbies. I don't think there are many people around here that are into the things i am, which is why i didn't really go into details about it. :P

Bottesini your dog is really adorable!
I hard laugh funny me lol :lol: crazy!! !
Cool day today and interesting work ahead-Cochlear Implant exercise-live band tonight!
i thinking if spammers have numbers after name maybe i should change it but registration did not accept plain caz....oh well i leave it in mods hands
Yes. She is half Maltese, and half Poodle. :)

And she is very smart! So the Poodle half came through on intelligence!

Poodles are way too smart! Marty is part poodle too. Finlay was trained in a prisoner program . I met the inmate that trained Finlay and he told me when the guys hear they would be training a Standard Poodle they thought it was going to hard as guys thought poodles where stupid because of the way people dressed them up and cut their fur. The inmate that worked with Finlay said the guys had a blast training him as he was so smart .
I'm thinking that I've to work harder---a lot harder to advertise my bikes for sale.
Just wondering if there is anybody on here that have similiar interests as i do. I have seen some really nice and awesome people but have yet to try to talk to them. My Social awkwardness needs to go away. >=(

Hey.. all ya can do is tell a little story about yourself a bit.. say your favorite things and etc.. who knows if there some folks here that might share something along the same way as ya do.. no harm in doing this.. so welcome here and hope ya can enjoy this place much as well.... btw nice avater ya got...
I was just on facebook, and an old, very old, like 19 years ago old, boyfriend sent me a message in my chat box. You know, hi how are ya been a long time, so we do catch up. Yes I'm still living in SC (he's from NH where I moved from) just separated a few months ago, he's getting married next month and wants to invite me to his wedding if I'll be up there. No I won't, but congrats etc etc. But then he tells me to remember that good things happen to good people and that I have a soft soul that many men find comforting. So of course I say "thank you", but now really I'm thinking.....
what do you mean? I have a soft soul? like a gentle soul maybe? what a strange conversation too..... invite me, an ex girlfriend, to your wedding when you haven't seen or talked to me in years? :shock:
Thinking about renting a cabin by lake or river for a week and go fishing/canoeing. Been a while since taking a real vacation. Be nice to get away.
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