What are you thinking about? Part III

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I am going to get a few cows to graze in a friend's huge field and wondering how big a freezer I will need to purchase. :hmm:

How many cows will you kill at one time? And will you give any meat away or share with friends.

My parents used to keep a standup freezer and fill it with beef and then put other things in as the meat dwindled.

Also, can't you get the locker to store some for you?
How many cows will you kill at one time? And will you give any meat away or share with friends.

My parents used to keep a standup freezer and fill it with beef and then put other things in as the meat dwindled.

Also, can't you get the locker to store some for you?

I wouldn't think Beo would be too crazy about the idea of locker fees.
I wouldn't think Beo would be too crazy about the idea of locker fees.

And that brings the question, how do locker fees compare to the cost of the life of a freezer and the electricity to run it???

Inquiring minds want to know.
And that brings the question, how do locker fees compare to the cost of the life of a freezer and the electricity to run it???

Inquiring minds want to know.

Hmmm, wouldn't the locker fees be at least/more than their own maintenance and electric bill?
Hmmm, wouldn't the locker fees be at least/more than their own maintenance and electric bill?

:lol: Ok . You win. He will need to measure the square footage of each cow and the buy a freezer to accommodate it.
How many cows will you kill at one time? And will you give any meat away or share with friends.

My parents used to keep a standup freezer and fill it with beef and then put other things in as the meat dwindled.

Also, can't you get the locker to store some for you?

I wouldn't think Beo would be too crazy about the idea of locker fees.

And that brings the question, how do locker fees compare to the cost of the life of a freezer and the electricity to run it???

Inquiring minds want to know.

Hmmm, wouldn't the locker fees be at least/more than their own maintenance and electric bill?

:lol: Ok . You win. He will need to measure the square footage of each cow and the buy a freezer to accommodate it.

:lol: .....the square footage of each cow.....:lol:

Oh come on, I just wanna be a rancher, not a rocket scientist! :lol:
My friend owns hundreds of acres and offered me three cows for $500. Sounds like a good deal. So far.
That reminds me of the small freezer I saw at Kmart the other day...for $169.00...(first time ever) at Kmart....never bought one from Kmart, tho'. The one I have was from an appliance store, about 5 years old, still working, but feel I'm gonna need a new one pretty soon...haven't checked at Walmart yet....
That reminds me of the small freezer I saw at Kmart the other day...for $169.00...(first time ever) at Kmart....never bought one from Kmart, tho'. The one I have was from an appliance store, about 5 years old, still working, but feel I'm gonna need a new one pretty soon...haven't checked at Walmart yet....

Oh, please buy American.
My friend owns hundreds of acres and offered me three cows for $500. Sounds like a good deal. So far.

What stage of life are these three at? Would the three be fenced in/penned away from the rest and you take care of them...like feeding/fattening them? Would you have to buy the alfalfa for them or are they on pasture land? I would imagine if their ages are staggered enough, you can do the butchering one at a time.....
"Beowulf the Butcher"....OMG....I hope those cows run for their lives....:giggle:
I'm thinking hubby's Aunt doesn't know the meaning of time. She called last night and said she would be here this morning. We all got up early (for us) and made sure things were picked up, we had breakfast and made all beds. The plans were, we would take her and her hubby for a ride around town, see the beach, go to lunch, then go to the cemetery here FIL, her brother is buried to pay respects. She has not gotten here yet. MIL will not call her cell phone as she doesn't want to "cause an accident" with her answering her phone while driving. She was only driving up from Ft. Lauderdale and from there it's less than 2 hours and only 1 spot on the interstate is under construction. No accidents have been reported (I checked). Ah well. I guess we just have a clean house and go about our business.
What stage of life are these three at? Would the three be fenced in/penned away from the rest and you take care of them...like feeding/fattening them? Would you have to buy the alfalfa for them or are they on pasture land? I would imagine if their ages are staggered enough, you can do the butchering one at a time.....

"Beowulf the Butcher"....OMG....I hope those cows run for their lives....:giggle:

I visited my friend yesterday evening and complained about the rising prices of meat. He then offered me free use of his large pasture for three cows (little more than calves, really) until butchering time around October. I will need to talk with him more about this, lol. He will show me how to butcher cows, since the process is different from butchering hogs.
I visited my friend yesterday evening and complained about the rising prices of meat. He then offered me free use of his large pasture for three cows (little more than calves, really) until butchering time around October. I will need to talk with him more about this, lol. He will show me how to butcher cows, since the process is different from butchering hogs.

Oh, wow; I was in a similar situation in the mid-70's here in Riverside, CA. A friend of mine had 2.5 acres but no pasture. I got a month-old black angus, fed it the alfalfa with occasional corn feed treats. Then about 6-8 weeks before time, I fattened it up with this feed mixture. I think it was 1200 pounds on the hoof. Had a guy slaughter it for 25 bucks (and he got to keep the hide)and deliver it to a local butcher. I think I got 900 lbs of meat, custom processed for me the way I wanted. In those days, my costs came to about the same as the prevailing supermarket price but much better quality, marbling, etc and the knowledge that it didn't have any chemicals.

So obviously, you are gonna save a bit more in the slaughtering and then the butchering costs by doing it yourself. Not to mention probably not having to buy the hay....just the fattening up feed at the end....fun project, too. I envy you.
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