What are you doing for the holiday season?


New Member
Dec 16, 2005
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I was wondering if anybody was planning on anything special for christmas. Like if you are going traveling to see family and friends somewhere or if you just plan on staying where you are. Happy Holidays!
been done with xmas treaties. On thursday spend w my family all day, and fri to sunday, will be out of town spend with my bf 's family with our kids.
Just go to my brother's house for Christmas dinner. We don't exchange gifts, our family is too big, we just eat good food and socialize. It's still a hard time for me as my father died on Christmas morning 7 years ago. But, that also makes it special because he died on Jesus' Birthday. Merry Christmas to you all!!
I'm going to DeafScuba98's family side for x mas eve, then we will spend our time together on x mas day. January 2nd, Deafscuba98, his son, and I'm going to Illinois for late x mas for a few days to spend time with my family and relatives. :)
on chirstmas eve, will go with punkywolfy's family then eve night, i will over with my god daughter for overnight, watch her open gifts.. then xmas day, come home and spend with my mom...
Tomorrow night, will be spending the night with my sister and niece. Friday will eat lunch with my sis.. then friday evening go to see our father to open gifts and visit. Saturday, xmas shopping, then xmas eve will be going to my uncles, then xmas day will be heading to Montgomery (out of town) for the day to visit my fiance's family then come home Sunday night!

Yesterday I went to see my sister then today i went to see my other sister to say good bye to my nephew since he won't be around for xmas. He'll be flying to Texas to be with his father.

its been a busy week for me already!
I will be around at home for Christmas, but will chat with Sweetheart and open presents with her on the webcam on Christmas morning! :D Too bad she don't have VP at home. She's trying to get them to install one sooner, but still wait for them. I will also talk to my parents over the VP or on AIM during Christmas day, too! :D

I will have late christmas vacation, by flying to California on Jan 10 to 17th to visit my parents and the ol 13 year old English Setter named Kyle, he's our family dog we had for a LONG time. I want to see him before he passes away, we never know.
Wow Rebel> you sure are busy!

Tomorrow is my brother-in-law's girlfriend's child's birthday so I will go to her birthday party... (she 's 5 but she LOVES me so my presence will contribute to her happiness).

Friday, I might do something with my cousin. Who knows? No last-minute xmas shopping, PUH-LEASE....! Might go out to a deaf hangout just for the hell of it. This is probably the only day I get a break, lol.
OMG I need to get a gift for my husband! [hitting her head] I always FORGET him for some reason...! :-X

Saturday, the 24th day is my family tradition to celebrate Xmas on the eve instead of on 25th so my husband will stay with my Finnish family to open gifts and whatnot...

Sunday, the XMAS day I will go to my husband's traditional family-time at my MIL's home... we won't give gifts to everybody, but rather one gift per person from whoever. We buy a gift with no intention for a certain person then we play a game to see who can KEEP that present... but in the end, everybody got their presents. :)

Nothing planned for Monday, but on Tuesday-- a friend is hosting a post-christmas party which also hosts a similar game that my husband's family plays-- it is called "White Elephant"... I never heard of that phrase until my friend told me and I realized it is similar to my husband's traditonal game. Anybody familiar with that term????

.... December sure flies by fast!
This Christmas Eve, my mom's side family come here to eating the dinner, open some of presents together, chatting, and such like that. Then this Christmas, we will wake up in the morning to open the presents and I will wait for my Seq to wake up so he and I can open our presents on the webcam together :D maybe will see Gabrielle-my best friend for 18 yrs to trade the present to open. Maybe more plans than just that. :dunno:
Family comes first. I will be with my family. Merry Christmas and God Bless !!! :)
Visiting my husband's parents and siblings on Christmas Eve, then visit my mother and father on Christmas Day (including celebrating my dad's 60th birthday too!). Looks like it's gonna be a busy weekend for us! 9.6
I will be at my mom's place for xmas on sat instead of on sunday xmas day cause the reasons that my 3rd sister will be at her fiance's parents' place on xmas day for all day with her fiance's son. that is why my mom decided why not on sat instead on sunday to open whole xmas presents, and eat xmas dinner on sat .. i am sure very busy all day on sat lol .. then on sunday rest do something doing on sunday hehehe. wow first time for me to open early presents and eat xmas dinner on sat .. my mom and my 3 sisters and also I dont want without one of my sister that we rather together as family. :D. I am sure next year will open presents on Christmas' Day! lol I love on christmas day but this year too way EARLY! lol .. I look forward to see if I get digtal camera from my mom or sisters lol .. I always wanted digtal camera cause my old digtal camera are stink! dont have zoom, and dont have resize what a STINK! lol
On Christmas Day, I will go to my deaf church, after that, go to my mom's house (my dad died two years ago) for dinner and gifts with family. My nephew and his family will come here from NC after christmas so I will spend time with them at my oldest brother's house for dinner and late gifts. Merry CHRISTmas!
Since Mom is on the way home today, we will have Christmas together as a family.

On the late afternoon of Christmas Eve, I will go over to my parents home, bearing gifts and we will enjoy a nice dinner - all vegetarian, alas. Then that evening, we will open presents and play chickenfoot (a domino game). I'll be spending the night there.

Christmas Day, we will have a good breakfast and open our stocking stuffers. Then I will go back home to the cats - take care of them and put my loot away.

MizzDeaf will leave after work Friday to go to her parents home...then they all leave Saturday morning to go visit her grandmother for Christmas. She wont be back home til Monday evening...we will have a late Christmas for ourselves after she gets home.

On Christmas Eve, We are going to head over my dad's house for dinner and opening presents, maybe play a game of "Apples," It's a fun family game. I get the most cards every time, Ask Angel. :mrgreen:

On Christmas Day, I'm having alit Christmas at my house just my children and I, They're going to open their present and then we going to have a lit breakfast and later that afternoon I'm cooking up some good meal, We will be having Ham, potatoes, salad, corn casserole, roll and pumpkin pie roll, with whipped cream on top. Sounds good huh? ;)

That's my plans for the year of 2005! See ya all next year :) You all have a Merry Christmas and drive safe too please!
Cheri said:
On Christmas Eve, We are going to head over my dad's house for dinner and opening presents, maybe play a game of "Apples," It's a fun family game. I get the most cards every time, Ask Angel. :mrgreen:

On Christmas Day, I'm having alit Christmas at my house just my children and I, They're going to open their present and then we going to have a lit breakfast and later that afternoon I'm cooking up some good meal, We will be having Ham, potatoes, salad, corn casserole, roll and pumpkin pie roll, with whipped cream on top. Sounds good huh? ;)

That's my plans for the year of 2005! See ya all next year :) You all have a Merry Christmas and drive safe too please!

Can I eat with you???? :fingersx: