What Are U Doing This Summer??

Work, work and more work. In between work, there will be Deaf Awareness Day at Six Flags MidAmerica, AD Caucus, MAAD Softball, a few quick trips here and there, Pridefest, work, work, work, screaming for help, playing on the AD forum, raising a ruckus on GLBTdeaf, stamping, stamping, stamping and going to stamping/scrapbooking parties!!! Hopefully I can squeeze in a few workouts at Curves and a few softball practices...I gotta look good for the 2007 Deaf Freedom Cruise and the 2007 RoadRunnerAngel wedding, don't I?
This summer I'll be taking care of our children, taking them places for fun like swimming, movies, etc. Dave and I plan to go to AD Caucus party weekend this July. As for vacations, we haven't planned any this summer, but as time gets near, we might decide. Like DD, I'm trying to lose weight for RR and Angel's wedding and for my health sake. My husband Dave is trying to lose weight too due to his diabetes.
Sigh.. prolly still unpacking boxes in the new house... Ride on my motorcycle more often to save gas! Vacationing in Lancaster County, Pa... Definitely will go to Austin, Texas for Deaf Lesbian Festival!
My plan... (hard prediction) lol
Yes My goal plan wanted to go....
before the summer: Meeting Blonde Moments, Summer: AD Cancus(for sure yes!), and family camping somewhere... oh of course working.. (chuckles)
In 2007... Deaf Cruise freedom on Oct 28 2007..(cannot wait being I'm antsy) LOL
work work atv.. work work atv.. work work atv.. work work atv.. thats' all heh!

well... maybe move who knows
What, summer is coming?

I have no idea what to do this summer. Probably take one or two classes. Travel a bit (I HOPEEE!!!!!!!!).
I think I will go to a Deaf-Blin conference in Baltimore in June. That is the only thing that I know for sure. :)
I don't plan a month ahead, given alone four months away to June!!
Las Vegas, baby!! Oh yeah, visiting family in USA, too. And friends visiting me.. yipeee!
I am taking my families and friends to the beach!! OOOH YEAAA!! I can't wait to see the ocean and feel the sand again!!!
Liza said:
Las Vegas, baby!! Oh yeah, visiting family in USA, too. And friends visiting me.. yipeee!

Really, Liza, Vegas? We were just there last week for 4 days and three nights! We live a 4 hour drive from there in Southern Califunny.
painting, ( might move to new place), might work at camp or spending time with eric and sean, going to camping and finally ride more ATV ;) I'm sure theres more but its hard to predict everything .... :-P
hmm.. work (if i can find a job), get more education thru distance learning, and hmm i all i can think of right at the moment.
I dunno..since my plans had changed and I was heart broken. So I dunno about St. Louis...so far I know I am going to Los Angeles in July for 2 and half weeks. I cannot wait to see my best friend!!! My son will stay with my mom and she'll keep him for 2 weeks so I'll have KIDLESS! YAY! Judy and I plan go drive up to Fremont and visit old friend of ours and maybe sightseeing in S.F.! Also we plan go to Disneyland and California Adventure with our kids (after or before my mom's). MABYE Legoland in San Deigo if money permit. So a lot of fun going on in 2 and half weeks! :) OFC BEACH!!!

Other than that I am not sure...maybe camping and swimming. :thumb:
Mama2AFTIV said:
I dunno..since my plans had changed and I was heart broken. So I dunno about St. Louis...so far I know I am going to Los Angeles in July for 2 and half weeks. I cannot wait to see my best friend!!! My son will stay with my mom and she'll keep him for 2 weeks so I'll have KIDLESS! YAY! Judy and I plan go drive up to Fremont and visit old friend of ours and maybe sightseeing in S.F.! Also we plan go to Disneyland and California Adventure with our kids (after or before my mom's). MABYE Legoland in San Deigo if money permit. So a lot of fun going on in 2 and half weeks! :) OFC BEACH!!!

Other than that I am not sure...maybe camping and swimming. :thumb:

Wow, Mama, you will be almost in our back yard!
What ya mean almost in your backyard? Ya live in Los Angeles or Fremont or San Diego?

Tousi said:
Wow, Mama, you will be almost in our back yard!
Working, working, working, working, working, i have a life yah at home with my hunny, working, working, working, someone needs to pay the bills, working working!!!! will take a week with my partner to a island unknown which one yet but one of those then work.... :)
Mama2AFTIV said:
What ya mean almost in your backyard? Ya live in Los Angeles or Fremont or San Diego?

Mama, Riverside, a city without a river nor a side.
I plan go visit a friend in Riverside! A good friend of mine and bowled with him. :thumb: I probably just go out for lunch with him and have a great long chat!

Tousi said:
Mama, Riverside, a city without a river nor a side.
Mama2AFTIV said:
I plan go visit a friend in Riverside! A good friend of mine and bowled with him. :thumb: I probably just go out for lunch with him and have a great long chat!

Really, Mama!? I bowl with a group here (we bowl in Moreno Valley--near here) that meets just twice a month. Maybe this guy bowls with us? Anyway, have fun. Disneyland is just 40 minutes west of us.