What Advice Would You Give Me...


New Member
Sep 30, 2011
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What advice would you give me- a hearing, freshman ASL major who's learning about sign and Deaf culture for the first time? Like, what dumb things not to say/do to a Deaf person that would be offensive, how to make myself better understood, how to show that I really do mean well and want to learn about the Deaf world? Anything else you think I need to know about deafness or Deaf culture that would be helpful?
This thread is a good starting place:

AllDeaf.com > Deaf Community > Our World, Our Culture Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

That's where I got a ton of my info. Just keep in mind it's not ALL hearing people they're upset about, just the annoying, ignorant ones. Some people seem to have issues separating themselves from the Hearing being talked about.

There's also a whole load of information out on the web, just be careful about accuracy. Yep yep. Keep an open mind and you'll be good.
If you don't like it being done to you, or you know other people in general don't like it- don't do it.

Like (in PSE/ASL) "Hi, I noticed you sign, HoH or deaf? I am named (manual name) and I am in ASL 1. Would it be ok if I watch you..."


*Touch* ... *grin nervously* ... *tap tap* ...*grin* ... *clap hands loud* ... *grin* ... *stomp foot* ... *leave*

Those would be bad things to do.

That and changing how you talk, use voice on- normal level, and normal mouth shapes... for the lip readers.