Well, okay then....


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Wirelessly posted (dorothybaez)

You know how sometimes you wonder if you heard wrong? This is a true story. After a few hours of pleasant quiet today, I put my HA's in and walked outside to have a cigarette. The kids next door were outside and I heard one of them SHRIEK, "I TOLD HIM TO TAKE HIS PANTS OFF!"

I put the HA's back in their case. I just didn't want to know. :crazy:
So, I read this thread twice already.

Trying to come up with the perfect comeback to the "I TOLD HIM TO TAKE HIS PANTS OFF!"

Sadly, I cannot think of one.

Time for me to put my brain away.

But I wanna know !!! :lol:
hey, next time ask what kind of pants they are.

YOu know oh, I would not help, but hear your conversation. Is it a nice pant?
Wirelessly posted (dorothybaez)

You know how sometimes you wonder if you heard wrong? This is a true story. After a few hours of pleasant quiet today, I put my HA's in and walked outside to have a cigarette. The kids next door were outside and I heard one of them SHRIEK, "I TOLD HIM TO TAKE HIS PANTS OFF!"

I put the HA's back in their case. I just didn't want to know. :crazy:

Oh, wow that's hysterical! Haha.. I can't think of a good reason for that to ever have been screamed :P