Weak Spot

My weaknesses are chocolate, soda, men with nice butts, and not speaking up. I hate confrontations but I am getting better at speaking up when someone tries to pushes me around.

I hate confrontations too, I'd rather avoid that person/event because I don't want to face it.
Easy to be woke up. It's not matter if you just pat on my shoulder slightly for less than a minute, I still am able to wake up.

I eat hot foods, mostly.

I'm easy to be resentful secretly, but not able to get it off of my chest cos I can't express it better, anyway. Eventually, it will fade away and don't feel at all after being resentful.

Writing and reading all the time. It's a sort of addiction for me. Ha ha :P

I drink a coffee almost everyday.

Thanks to you Stefan, I now remember. Yeah, it's somewhat difficult for me to say a no to people. ^_^
I think that's all.
I find it hard to say no to people.

Chocolate....of course.

Tea!...I'm a tea addict, I drink about 20 cups a day.

When a woman cries! {It's their ultimate weapon!!]

Oh another thing to add that I'm weak when it comes to Starbucks Drinks such as White Chocolate Mocha.
I will be at work in an hour. after work, i will stop by my dear friend and bring my canned cat foods to my friend's apartment. ;) she spend too much $$ on her furbabies for huge bills. so i feel that i want to spoil her 8 cats with good wet canned cat food. hehe she knows that.
My weaknesses are: spending money on clothes, clothes, clothes... and junk foods... (I have to give up eating junk foods. I guess I am getting old... )
I must have my cup of coffee in the morning or my brain won't function, all three cells of it o_O

I adore all animals, awwww. I save bugs, rats, lizards, snakes, blue jays, black crows, ah the list is endless.

Spiders don't count as animals, they're the spawn of the devil. Ewww ((runs away))