was this discrimination? or is this accually legal to do to deaf kids?

Did they have to ride the buses? Couldn't the parents drive the little ones, especially pre-school and lower elementary age?

They could. But when my son was being bused to St. Rita, there was no way that I could get him to school on time and get myself to work on time. Likewise, he was dismissed in the afternoon before I got off work. As a single parent, my woring was necessary to out survival. Sometimes it is necessary for a parent to rely on the busing, and we have the right to expect that our children will b e safe and treated fairly. Under the law, every child is entitled to a "free and approprioiate education." If that can't be provided in the home district, then the home district is responsible for insuring that it is provided elsewhere. Transportation to that location is a part of their responsibility.
that is my whole motivation. they had no problems accomodating my hearing child, who is also special ed. but they sure had trouble accomodating my deaf kids!

Good luck with your move and I'm sorry you had so much trouble with the Va dept of transportation. Hopefully the new state/county will be more flexiable with your child's needs. If they had no trouble for your hearing child who's in special ed but only with your deaf kids, something stinks here. Too bad they can't stay at VSDB as it's such a beautiful place.

Where are you moving to?
we are now in indianapolis. the kids love ISD and everything s going well.
they will now only have a 15 minute drive.

I will keep you all posted.
we are now in indianapolis. the kids love ISD and everything s going well.
they will now only have a 15 minute drive.

I will keep you all posted.
That's good news! :P