Was I a little harsh?

hehe... anyway, it is a good thing you had a talk with him.. I've decided not to embarrass my son because I don't want him embarrassing me either :) But he will have consequences for not getting up on time like going to bed early.. Luckily, I drive him to school because his private school bus system is too expensive so missing the bus will not be our problem.

my mom wasn't trying to embarrass me either but with a long drive, sometimes she does not have time to get ready. but boy, did I hated hearing her nagging. I don't think it helped much because we were always late but I think it is mostly because we were a family of five children in a very poor conditioned home with no bathroom or running water so trying to get ready did take us longer than the average family.

(we had water, but we had to get it ourselves and heat our own water to wash up... we just didn't have a working plumbing system, the well dried out)