Warning: Rip-offs !! Watch out these Scams...

Okay , which one is the real deal ? ( Not a scam ? )
Geez, I wish I can find out which one is a Real Deal...

I recalled Taylor mentioned at the other threads that
he knew some good ones but nothing specific mentioned.
I've got scams in my emails all the time, claiming that I won something, If so why haven't they send it? I aren't clicking anything, and I won't. I just open my emails for those who I know, and the rest goes in spam folder ready to be deleted. :thumb:
Heath said:
Okay , which one is the real deal ? ( Not a scam ? )

Heath, I will get back about this if I find out from
someone else or vice versa... :thumb:
Yeah I fell for those people 2 yrs ago. Out about $3,000. They even hired terps if you request them.

Oh well.


Y said:
Have you heard of "National Grants Conference" ?
Their Gurus are Mike and Irene Millen...
They are looking for "handicapped people" minorities, etc !!!
The Better Business Bureau
reported them "Fraud" and "Unsatisfactory"...
Nesmuth said:
Yeah I fell for those people 2 yrs ago. Out about $3,000. They even hired terps if you request them.

Oh well.


oh no, I'm sorry about this. That's really scary
because everything they said seem very Good
too Good to be true...
Wonder if there are any other more Scams/Ripoffs
you've already experienced ?
CoolieFroggie said:
Beleive me I got tons tons of scams even they pretend that they are deaf i was like BULLSHIT!!! so I have to report them to a scam but again did they do a job.. i don't think so? Im trying to find a big report to against who send alot of spams.

one day when i went to mcdonald and the guy were throwing a dices and it's had a label say * Help me, Im poor and I need your help to solve my deafness* I was like what the fuck and i tabbed on the guy's shoulder and said in sign * Hello* he was like what what? so I decide to sign * U PLAY DEAF AND YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT* he was like shit and ran away.. i was like fine and he would be arrested to be scammer.

LOL Nice one!!! Oh I hate those who pretended to be deaf and poor...
Wynd is now owned by GoAmerica. GoAmerica decided not to use Wynd's name due to bad reputation. However GoAmerica wants to recover $20 million dollars debts from Wynd. Now you see the picture! GoAmerica now involves with WyndPower (I am not sure if still active or not), and HOVRS and other services, that is in attempt to recover the losses.

Y said:
You're right I just found these stuff
there and the Wyndtell's last complaint were about
two years ago June 2003 and now I wonder
what's happening with Wyndtell nowadays ?
Does Wyndtell still exist now ?
I never got strucked, but always caught the scam. I smell scam very easily. Of course, I have heard plenty.

One good example, somebody called you and offered you free software, but need to come down to install them, they would ask you when is the best time and where you live? This scam works as if you fall into it and give them enough information, the scam artist will come to your house when you told them you'd be gone because of work, whatever... Perfect time for them to clean out your house.

Y said:
Wonder if there are any other more Scams/Ripoffs
you've already experienced ?
sequoias said:
... Life is hard and nothing easy about it.

Yep...nothing comes free and if it looks easy, walk away!

The ones that always crack me up are the ones where the person made millions and puts out a program so you can make them yourself. Now, if that doesn't take the cake! Why would anybody tell you how to make money the way they did? It is just another way for them to make money as you have to "pay" something to find out how they did it!!!! The kicker is maybe they didn't but need suckers to pay them to find out the hard way.

Old cliche...only two things are certain in life...Death and taxes. Everything else is time and chance...
Y said:
From ripoffreport.com;

Katherine Scott AKA Emarket Professionals
Phone Number:


I told her I was poor and she didn't care. She told me I have poor comprehension skills and that I paid for the book and that I can't get my money back. I trusted her enough to purchase the ebook.

I ordered the Katherine Scott program August 2002. After I made my payment to her($97.00), she then refered me to a company called, "Emarket Professionals," When I recieved my purchase(37-paged ebook). I read the ebook 4 times(I wanted to have a good understanding of it, before demanding a refund).

After reading the ebook over and over, I had a good understanding of her program. I realized, It all was a scam. I was very disapointed. So the next day, I demanded a refund. But she(Katherine Scott)told me to go to her website and read the bottom her page(personalinstantcash.com)that says,
"If I don't show you how I make up to $1,000 a day, I will refund your full $97 to you).

Deceptive marketing, I don't like being apart of it. Unfortunately I was, yet again.

After, that email. I sent another to her, telling her how I'm poor and that I trusted her enough to purchase the ebook, the least she can do is give me my money back. But she didn't even care. She told, "You chose to buy the ebook, It was my job to show you how I make $1,000 a day and I did."

She was rude to me and very mean throught out all of our conversations. I told her, "How can you sleep at night knowing that you took money from an unfortunate person" and she told me, "If you read my ebook, I showed you how I made $1,000 a day, a lot of people thank me and give me praises, I don't know why you're having such a difficult time with this program, It is not my fault you're having difficulty, maybe you just have POOR COMPREHENSION."

She told me I have "Poor Comprehension" on different occasions, which I couldn't understand why she was so evil to me, all I did was order her ebook, expecting what was advertised. I understood the Scam of a Program to the fullest. It wasn't about me understanding it or not. I just wanted my $97.00 back.

Anyway, She sent me another email, telling me to tell someone name Mark from emarketprofessionals.com that I have her program so I told him and he welcomed me to the program. And told me to figure out what information products I want to sell with their fasttrack program. so I found a few, contacted information@emarketprofesstional.com they answered back quickly in the beginning. But after the 4th week they were very unprofessional.

It's been 3 months now, no one has answered any of my questions, and if they did it usually took them one month to answer my questions. Very very very unprofessional.

Here's what I conclude:
Katherine Scott and Julie Parker are emarketprofessionals. The picture of the women they have on website(s)masterincome.com, personalinstantcash.com I saw these pictures on different websites so it's definitely not legit. Another thing I thought about was how come emarket professionals only have 4 people working at their "Company" I'm sure they get a lot customers and 4 workers is not enough. Maybe this is how it works out for them. In the beginning their nice to you, professional, efficient. But when they get your money they forget that you even exist(Yes, very deceptive and evil)But I learned to stay away from scammers like them.

I want someone to investigate emarketprofessionals.com, Kscott, personalinstantcash.com, Julie Parker, masterincome.com. I think when we find who are behind this deceptive corporation. Justice will be served and there will be one less work at home scam to worry about.

I would like to have my full $97.00 back plus more. This company wasted 4 months of my life, they took the last of my money, the 97.00 was all that I had. Pain and suffering, I would of never thought a company would be this harsh to me. They treated like I was trash. They didn't even try to be nice to me or work with me. I was stressed everyday for 4 months because I was waiting for them to reply to the questions I had and It took them 1 month to reply to me. This company put me through a lot and I and no one else deserves what I went through. Please someone help me with my case!

Upland, California
Since that person got ripped off... Well Remmy there's always Karma... That person can inform other people whose trying out that scam company about it so that scam company will go broke
Y said:
Geez, I wish I can find out which one is a Real Deal...

I recalled Taylor mentioned at the other threads that
he knew some good ones but nothing specific mentioned.

I don't mention them because I don't want to be spamming the board with stuff like that. If you are interested, send me a message and I'll let you know.
Are you all aware of the Nigerian scams? Ones where people trick people into sending cash or money to Nigeria for charity/internet romance etc? These guys love to target the deaf community and have made a killing on relay...
Get a lawyer.

For a case of $97, give me a break. The lawyer fees will in the thousands and thousands of dollars.

As for you, Y...This is something you will have to learn from your mistake and move on. It happened and and that's unfortunate but you'll know next time that you won't do fall for another scam. $97 is not worth to fight your life for even with legal professionals. If it was $97,000....that's a different story. Remember, "What goes around, comes around." What these scammer did to you, will come back to them in the future and they will suffer far more than you will ever suffer in your life.

Heritage Lottery Fund

Warning: Bogus awards

Have you been told you have won a prize from the Heritage Lottery Fund? :rl:

This is from an E-mail saying i won $650,000 but only if I western union $1,600 for insurance. This paragraph is from the Heritage Lottery Fund website.
We do not operate a Lottery or distribute prizes. We only make grants in response to applications. So, if you receive an email telling you that you have won a prize, it has not come from us. No lottery that asks for payment in order to claim a prize belongs to either the HLF or the UK National Lottery.
Our advice is that you exercise caution and do not part with your money or give your details to an unknown party or company and check the lottery’s legal status first.

We have offices in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and regional offices across England:
Beleive me I got tons tons of scams even they pretend that they are deaf i was like BULLSHIT!!! so I have to report them to a scam but again did they do a job.. i don't think so? Im trying to find a big report to against who send alot of spams.

one day when i went to mcdonald and the guy were throwing a dices and it's had a label say * Help me, Im poor and I need your help to solve my deafness* I was like what the fuck and i tabbed on the guy's shoulder and said in sign * Hello* he was like what what? so I decide to sign * U PLAY DEAF AND YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT* he was like shit and ran away.. i was like fine and he would be arrested to be scammer.

No different then those deaf people who are taking advantage of our social services when they don't need them financially or economically. Those people are ripping off all Americans not just the goverment or deaf people who are truly in need.

I heard about a couple who were deaf and has 4 deaf children, someone one here was telling me about them, that had like a 100,000 dollar yatch, 2,500 sq. foot brick house, was getting like over 60,000 grand a year in social security, over 300 bucks a month in food stamps, and they were all like 100% healthy.
Before your invest, maybe research the background of your new business partners.
The accumulated wisdom of all of the stock investors is your best gauge of company value and company health. Corporations also have to file annual reports with the Secretary of State of the state in which they are incorporated. If you can get an annual report, it is a gold mine of information. All the glossy pictures are propaganda to make the company seem healthy, valuable, and to justify big salaries for the company officers. Just read that to understand the basics. Then read all the footnotes and back pages. That is where they try to hide information that the law makes them reveal. They also have to file a more complete report, called a 10K, every year. Be sure and read that. You can probably find a copy on the internet at the Secretary of State’s website. Even if you don’t understand it all, there will be enough information in plain English to open your eyes.

Partnerships, sole ownerships, and limited liability companies (LLC) do not have to file all of those reports. But, the health of every company can be estimated from their Financial Reports (i.e. Income Statement and Balance Sheets). Get a copy if you can. Almost any company, except small private companies, makes that information available. Small private companies are only as financially healthy as their owners, and maybe less so. It seems wise to run a background search on the owners.
send email or call Montel Show.. Maybe he will investigate for you and blow them out of the water? Just a thought?