Voicemails how to translation to text?


New Member
Apr 27, 2009
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Ok I have small business so my phone become work phone for couple years.

BIGGEST PROBLEM they rather leave voicemail than texts I can't understand what they say in phone. Is there way to translation voicemail to text?


At this time, no way. Machines are not at 100% recongization on voice. Maybe in future yes.

What you can do is find out how to access your voice mail, sometimes you need to get PIN set up then you can call SorensonVRS, SIPrelay, or any other providers of your choice they can translate for you.Here is going to give you an idea how it works

Assume that you have set PIN or password to access your voice mail, say your business number is 235-547-3331 (Not real number). Over time you notice there is few voice mails waiting, what you can do is call SorensonVRS or SIPrelay and have the operator call 235-547-3331 and you can even instructed the operator to wait for prompt that is for voice mail, and give the operator the PIN or password. Once it goes though the operator should be able to relay the message to you.

Even though sometimes we noticed that we call a corporation, and they got voice recongization, which is true but the problem is that they are only programmed to recongize specific terms that company uses all the time.

Dan, if I recall correctly you will need to set up the PIN. By default they are disabled. I may be old school, but again I know it will work. If not sure, you can always call Sprint technical support and ask for assist set up voice mail. I did that about 5 years ago during the days of VP-100 and it did work like charm. You can use relay, preferred VRS because you can create a voice mail message. The reason VRS is preferred is because VRS is much faster, and you got limit time slot on voice mail. I could be wrong if they have changed. So again, call Sprint Technical support and have them help you set up PIN.

For hearing people, can be done without calling Technical support, but for Deaf that is if my memory serves me right have to call technical support for assistance.


How I find out my pin number on sprint phone?