Visualizing and Verbalizing?


New Member
Oct 21, 2012
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Any known it is good or better of the program or software. I need to your help.

I was a problem:
I can't read a word.
I can't write a word.
I don't understood mean a words of dictionary and thesaurus. (there is no best define of clear) (Visual Dictionary is good but it has not enough to more like no all parts of speech)
I misunderstood a sign language or hard example a word.
I am not well(no better of review) a English and grammar.
Big problem or hard times a bad communication or rude - limit or lack of nonverbal with a hearing people or deaf culture.
No good of deal.

I was a possible:
I can read a picture and movie. (not a music or sound)
I can write a own/create language of my word.
I often thinking in a picture and movie.
I often feeling a best known(developer).
I can draw or design/edit a picture and movie. (but with a professional of software too.)
I can read the visual of programming and theory of source.

My MTBI personality = INTP/J (introversion, intuition, thinking, perception/judgment)

Example (this good of points):
What Is Visualizing and Verbalizing? :: Gander Publishing
i couldn't understand what do you want to ask.. please ask question clearly..
I don't understand what you're asking, but from your desciption it sounds exactly like you have autism.
Sherlock Holmes no comprede...
It sound like mental retardation or mentally challenge as you could not read nor you could not write but somehow you can type them in this post. Some mentally challenger can have special skill to know how to do the kind of skills they are successful with. I don't know.

You are just giving me a riddle that I could not make out what you are talking about. Are you talking about someone like a girlfriend or best buddy? It does not sound like you. So what is up with that? **hmmm**
I looked up "What is Visualizing and Verbalizing" by Gander Publishing. It look like you are trying to advertising to us, d/Deafies and HOH (Hard Of Hearing).

I don't know what your purpose on trying to advertise this.

We are d/Deaf and Hard Of Hearing. We are not mental retarded nor mental challenge.
I don't know about autism condition.

I don't like what you are trying to clarifying the meaning of all this. I think you might have come in the wrong forum. :(

EDIT: Are you d/Deaf or Hard Of Hearing? Can you sign ASL? Are you living in USA? Do you have autism? What???? **hmmm**
i think i know what you mean,is it the cup half full or half empty What you saying can be aimed at blind people are you saying blind/deaf think samething but different perspective other than that i not sure what you asking