Violent "sonic bomb" alarm clock bed shaker.

Wirelessly posted

I have one & it's great...vibrate under my pillow + blinks my lamp on my nightstand. Works like a charm to launch me awake! :lol:
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Why don't you get a sonic boom (SonicAlert) alarm clock?

I didn't realize before that they were so affordable. Do they work under a pillow instead? I kinda have a futon and the shaker would fall through the slats.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

eirlys said:
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Why don't you get a sonic boom (SonicAlert) alarm clock?

I didn't realize before that they were so affordable. Do they work under a pillow instead? I kinda have a futon and the shaker would fall through the slats.

Yes they can go under the pillow.

Also you could put something between the slates to hold the shaker in place, or experiment with various shaker placements.

Of course they also have a light flasher mode as well - mine has the option of any or all of: vib,flash,sound. I've had mine almost 15years, so they're a great investment.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Yes they can go under the pillow.

Also you could put something between the slates to hold the shaker in place, or experiment with various shaker placements.

Of course they also have a light flasher mode as well - mine has the option of any or all of: vib,flash,sound. I've had mine almost 15years, so they're a great investment.

Thank you so much. I don't know why I've never bothered to try anything that would help before. I've spent way too many years hobbling along trying to get by with conventional methods. I appreciate it!:ty:
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

No problem :)

By the way, my Sonic boom also works (as a reciever) with all other SonicAlert signallers. That means if my Soinc alert phone/door signaller is activated I can have to option of the alarm clock "hearing" it and signalling (this feature somes with some SonicBooms and can be turned on or off with a button on the bottom of the alarm)