Vibrating timers???


New Member
Mar 14, 2003
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Hi all!

I used to come here all the times many years ago so it has been a long while that I post a forum and/or voicing my opinions and other stuff here... :)

Anyway, I have several questions regarding a vibrating timer. I am a Medical Scientist, working in a blood banking field at the Red Cross. Few years ago, my boss has bought me a couple of multi alert timers. It is a small timer (brand name: Triple Bel) where I set up specific times for the laboratory testing and when it goes off, it vibrates w little red lights flashing. It is quite cute and I love this timer! And it is small and easy for me to carry around w me.

Recently, I had an interview w the people from JobAccess, where they provide a funding for whatever Deaf people needs for their workplace. Throughout at my interview w them, I mentioned I need another vibrating timer for my laboratory testing; and they mentioned abt Ipad or Ipod w multi timers downloaded. Well I have to admit that one is quite new to me...

BUT my question to ask you guys: is it worth to have one of Ipad or Ipod w "multi-timers" installed for my laboratory testing? I am wondering if anyone ever use this for other than testing or any Deaf scientists use that for their laboratory testings? Or shld I buy similar timers the one I have got (Triple Bel timer)? Good or bad?

Your opinions or advices wld be greatly appreciated!!! :)

I don't remember kind of on timer I will check it!
Wirelessly posted

I've heard about vibrating watches, too. It's kind of neat. Maybe you can look around a bit on this website?

Tons of neat products and they have timers too.
That would be cool to have vibrating timers. I'd not heard of these before.

Sorry I can't help, just wanted to mention this seems cool!
I'm pretty sure you can do this with an android phone as well. Check out the new Sidekick 4g and also take a look on the web for a timer android app. There is one call My Interval Timer Pro that I saw on the web.

I pay about $30 a month for a data plan which is cheaper than Iphone.

Hope this helps..
I have an iPhone and I have multiple timers. I just put the phone on vibrate and stick it in my pocket. When it goes off, I pull it out to check what needs my attention. IE - if my DD needs to do her 15 minutes of reading for school, I have a pizza in the oven that's cooking, and I have homemade ice cream being cranked in the electric ice cream maker. I make a small note with the timer such as - 'reading', 'pizza', or 'ice cream' so I will know what needs my attention at that time.