VERY sad news for me and my husband.


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Mar 10, 2005
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:( Yesterday, my husband, Blake gave his father gift, being with him in the room and chat. Enjoy to be with him and his father told him everything whats up in his life. All of us enjoy our company because of father's day yesterday. :cry: Then, today, at around 5 in the morning, Blake woke up and walked to his father's room, hold his hand and talked more, and his father said that he is very gentleman, please will he take care of his mother during he is gone? And making him to promise him for that and told him that he is very lucky to having me, and our daugther and our kid in my belly. Blake said that he will take care of mother no matter what and his father gave him a last smile and said tell everybody that he love them and he love him always and closed his eyes and died right there. :tears: Thats very sad that Blake's father died today. Blake is fine, he smile and said he is in peace right now and let us know that he love us. :tears: Im going to miss him.
Aww, Im very sorry abt your father :( I hope you and your family would be alright after that happened. :hug: I will be right here for you if you need me :hug:

Im very sorry, and very glad that your husband spend time with his father before he died in peace.. I would have done the same

you and your family has my sympanthy... HUGS HUS...

Take care will you Smile

I am very sorry that your father-in-law died. I am glad that he was able to die peacefully, with his loving family around him. I am sure that gave him good peace. It is comforting for Blake that he was able to have a final conversation with his dad. Blake and his dad had no regrets, and had good final feelings for each other. That is truly a blessing to remember.

I will pray for you and Blake's family. :hug:

Wow, Father telling his final wording "Good bye" before he gone. Impressive he say that.. all he want you be there for mother and all round the rest families taking care.
Yes, Indeed there's no regrets because he already gave you his word commient. He may rest his peace.. Always love you forever....

(hugs big time)

Truly blessing!
Awwwwww sorry to hear that and I am glad that Blake have his special moment with his Dad just before he was rest in peace. I am sure Blake with cherished that for the rest of his life. :hug:
:( Volleyball23, I am so very sorry for the loss of Blake's Dad. It is good to know that your family had a nice visit with Dad yesterday for Father's Day, and it gave Blake peace of mind that he was able to spend time with his Dad, and then again this morning, having their final conversation together. Dad had gone in peace to Heaven knowing the love that surrounded him these last 2 days. I pray for your family, during the next several days, and that you all will have peace and comfort knowing that Blake's Dad died happy and loved. God Bless you all, you're all in my prayers. :hug: :hug:
Oh man. My deepest condolences for you and your family. I don't know if he was battling an illness, tho it does kinda seem that way from your description. If so, at least his pain is over and he was able to fight at the end to tell youz how much youz meant to him. It takes a strong person to do as he did, and a kind person to say what he did. I can understand your pain at your loss and my heart is with you all.
I feel so sorry for your dad in law.. Sometimes person speaks their last wish before their time is being called away to heaven. :grouphug:
Someone have a tissue here? :cry:That is the saddest story about your father in law. I am sure surprised your husband handle it very well. :hug:

Just remember Hon, He will always be in yours and your husband's heart and mind forever. And I am sure he is very proud of both of you. :ily:

You have my deepest condolences, and are in my prayers. *Mwah* Hang in there girlie.
Volleyball, I am truly sorry to hear what happened :(

But Im so glad that your husband got a closure with his dad.

I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm glad you and your family got to spend time with him before his passing. May he rest in peace. :hug:
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family - and glad your hubby had a chance to spend some time with his father before he passed away. That is a precious moment that can never be taken away.
Awwww, I am reallly sorry about the loss of your father-in-law.. He is in peace with God and feeling no pains. Hang in there, you got your family to take care of it and your birth of new child will bring a new life for you all.

Hang in there.. Your all are in my prayers and thoughts.
Aww I'm really sorry to hear about your father in law, your husband sure handle it quite well and knowing he had a nice chat with his father before his death...Cherish every memories about him and may he rest in peace!... :(

:hug: hang in there girl!
I am very sorry to hear about that, but I'm glad that you and your family got to spend the time with your father in law.

You all are in my prayers.
:tears: I am sorry to hear about your father in law. Does he have health problem? That what happened to my great grandfather when I was about 8 years old. I was visiting him at the hospital when he had problem with his lung and heart. He never smoke or drink. Got it from WWII.
So anyway I was talking to him with my family. He said, "I love you all and god bless my family. I am going to sleep in few minutes." They he told me that I am his favorite great grandson then he went to sleep in peace.
Oh man, that's give me emotion and we know it time for him to go.

I hope you and your husband are doing okay and take some time to heal.

:hug: :angel:
My prayers are with you and your family. I can definitely understand what its like to lose someone you love. I lost my mother 3 weeks ago to emphysema. She was only 51. Back to the point, I'm truely sorry about the loss of your father-in-law. You all just stay strong and have faith. Knowing that he's not in pain or suffering anymore, he'll be up there smiling and back to where he was healthy.
I am sorry to hear of your loss, Volleyball. :( Glad to know that your hubby and his dad spent time together and have no regrets before he was gone. We all are thinking of you, and if you need anything, let us know, ok? :)

(((((((((((((Volleyball and family))))))))))))))))))
I'm sorry to hear about your hubby's father passed away. May he rest in peace happily from suffering. Make sure u comfort Blake to make sure he's all right.