Very good article about the schizophrenia

I forget to tell. Is Schizophrenia good for people to get a shock therapy?
14 is actually a fairly early onset, normally sx begin to appear in late teens and early adulthood.
True, but it's not unknown for KIDS to have it! I've actually heard of FIVE year olds who have sx!
And yes Pinky most sx people are not dangerous. They aren't Jeffery Dahmers or the crazies from the local nuthouse that always feature promentialy in urban legends.
Most people with mental illness are not dangerous. You know..........I've always wondered how that meme got to be? Was there a famous case where a mentally ill person went nuts and killed people and its been in the public conscious ever since?
True, but it's not unknown for KIDS to have it! I've actually heard of FIVE year olds who have sx!
And yes Pinky most sx people are not dangerous. They aren't Jeffery Dahmers or the crazies from the local nuthouse that always feature promentialy in urban legends.
Most people with mental illness are not dangerous. You know..........I've always wondered how that meme got to be? Was there a famous case where a mentally ill person went nuts and killed people and its been in the public conscious ever since?

Of course it is not unknown. It is rare, however. Schizophrenia cannot be dxed on one psychotic episode alone. Part of the dx criteria is symptoms that have been present for a period of time, and include for than one psychotic incident. Therefore, while a child may have experience some of the sx associated, they generally do not have the history necessary for a sx of schizophrenia.

I personally have a nephew dxed with childhood schizophrenia. He was dx at 15. But that is indeed young compared to the average onset and dx.
I forget to tell. Is Schizophrenia good for people to get a shock therapy?

No. Shock therapy is not used for scizophrenia. Shock therapy is used for severe and chronic depression that does not respond to medication and therapy.
No. Shock therapy is not used for scizophrenia. Shock therapy is used for severe and chronic depression that does not respond to medication and therapy.

Okay. My friend had a chronic depression. She got a shock therapy before. I notice she is such improving. I am not sure if she is taking a medicine. I don't ask her.
Not all dangerous. It's some of them. I watched a tv title America Most Wanted. The man who have suffer with schizophrenia. He got charge of double murders to his grandparents. I am trying to look for his name but I can't find. Let me find it later whenever I find. I will post it here.

You said all Mental Illness are not dangerous. Yeah it's dangerous! I know who is deaf woman. She have mental illness and ptsd. She went to Mental Ward Hospital many times.

True, but it's not unknown for KIDS to have it! I've actually heard of FIVE year olds who have sx!
And yes Pinky most sx people are not dangerous. They aren't Jeffery Dahmers or the crazies from the local nuthouse that always feature promentialy in urban legends.
Most people with mental illness are not dangerous. You know..........I've always wondered how that meme got to be? Was there a famous case where a mentally ill person went nuts and killed people and its been in the public conscious ever since?
The man who have suffer with schizophrenia. He got charge of double murders to his grandparents. I am trying to look for his name but I can't find. Let me find it later whenever I find. I will post it here.

You said all Mental Illness are not dangerous. Yeah it's dangerous! I know who is deaf woman. She have mental illness and ptsd. She went to Mental Ward Hospital many times.
No, I said NOT ALL of them are dangerous. Yes, some of them ARE dangerous. That doesn't mean ALL of them are dangerous.
Also ....something I just thought of. Drug and alchohol addition are catagorized as mental illness. I know that druggies can be prone to violent acts (especially with PCP and meth)....I wonder if they tend to be responsible for most violence seen in mentally ill populations?
No, I said NOT ALL of them are dangerous. Yes, some of them ARE dangerous. That doesn't mean ALL of them are dangerous.
Also ....something I just thought of. Drug and alchohol addition are catagorized as mental illness. I know that druggies can be prone to violent acts (especially with PCP and meth)....I wonder if they tend to be responsible for most violence seen in mentally ill populations?

The short answer would be "no."
I had a roommate like that when I was at MSSD. A lot of people thought she was on drugs because she'd laugh at the wrong time and sometimes a lot longer than is considered acceptable. I disagreed with them as druggies normally don't have delusions about people and she could be a bit paranoid at times and she once told me most people were evil minded. Hearing that really depressed me.

She was obsessed with an actor and she'd talk to his picture every night. Every now and then she'd send him stuff she got from the Gally book store. When I asked why she talked to his picture, her answer really made me wonder about her mental state; her reply was that he talked to her thru his picture every night. Oh, yeah she'd talk to voices in her head.

Someone who works in the counseling field said she sounds like she's bipolar but I don't think this fits Bipolor.
Sounds like someone I know who's obsessed with Celine Dion. She collects CDs, clothes, perfume, posters, books, DVD, etc... all related to Celine Dion. :roll:

She practically worships Celine Dion. She even worked at a Celine Dion store in Las Vegas.

Oh wait, could this be considered an obsession? :dunno:
Sounds like someone I know who's obsessed with Celine Dion. She collects CDs, clothes, perfume, posters, books, DVD, etc... all related to Celine Dion. :roll:

She practically worships Celine Dion. She even worked at a Celine Dion store in Las Vegas.

Oh wait, could this be considered an obsession? :dunno:

It would certainly border on obsessive behavior, but there are other criteria that would have to be met for it to be considered a disorder.
Jillo, I have a question about schizophrenia. I have a friend's ex wife with schizophrenia and bipolar. It's recently she put a restraining order on her ex husband for molest on her daughter. He is very innocent. He didn't molest on his daughter. He told to judge about his ex wife's mental illness. The judge is still under investigator on his ex wife's home. She got a new boyfriend who is a pyro. It pretty scared for child. The child is unsafe in environment. Do you think schizophrenia is always liar and confusion??
Jillo, I have a question about schizophrenia. I have a friend's ex wife with schizophrenia and bipolar. It's recently she put a restraining order on her ex husband for molest on her daughter. He is very innocent. He didn't molest on his daughter. He told to judge about his ex wife's mental illness. The judge is still under investigator on his ex wife's home. She got a new boyfriend who is a pyro. It pretty scared for child. The child is unsafe in environment. Do you think schizophrenia is always liar and confusion??

No, not always. But the thing is, they don't intentionally lie. They actually believe the things they say because of their illness. They can get very confused about what is real and what is not real sometimes.
No, not always. But the thing is, they don't intentionally lie. They actually believe the things they say because of their illness. They can get very confused about what is real and what is not real sometimes.

Can I PM you?
No, not always. But the thing is, they don't intentionally lie. They actually believe the things they say because of their illness. They can get very confused about what is real and what is not real sometimes.

Exactly. I have a schizophrenic form of bipolar and when I hear voices, I become delusional and believe things that are not true. Some of my delusions include the fear of being followed, watched and poisoned. When I'm on my meds, I don't have any problems with voices or delusions, but if I become manic, depressed (both symptoms of my bipolar), ill, stressed or exhausted, it can cause me to hallucinate and become delusional.
Of course it is not unknown. It is rare, however. Schizophrenia cannot be dxed on one psychotic episode alone. Part of the dx criteria is symptoms that have been present for a period of time, and include for than one psychotic incident. Therefore, while a child may have experience some of the sx associated, they generally do not have the history necessary for a sx of schizophrenia.

I personally have a nephew dxed with childhood schizophrenia. He was dx at 15. But that is indeed young compared to the average onset and dx.

This is true. There are other disorders that can cause psychosis such as brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform disorder and bipolar disorder. It is also important to remember that not everyone with schizophrenia hears voices.
There are some forms of Bi-Polar that experience hallucinations, especially auditory hallucinations during a manic phase. Paranoia can be a symptom, as well. The laughing at innappropriate times could also be indicative of a manic phase. It would really be difficult to make a definitive dx in a case like this without a lot more information. It could be either disorder.

Exactly. I have atypical bipolar I disorder which causes me to become psychotic whenever I'm in a manic or depressive episode. When I'm manic, I also laugh at things I shouldn't because I feel on top of the world and don't care about hurting others as a result. Now that I'm on a good med regimen, my manic episodes aren't as frequent or severe as they used to be.
Most people with mental illness are not dangerous. You know..........I've always wondered how that meme got to be?

The media.

Movies like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" don't help either.

If any of you want to see a wonderful movie about schizophrenia, watch "A Beautiful Mind." It's about John Forbes Nash, a professor at Princeton University who develops paranoid schizophrenia. It's a touching account of the triumphs and challenges he and his wife face because of his diagnosis.
How are you doing with your bipolar?

Hi Lissa,

Thank you for asking. April was a great month for me in terms of my bipolar. I was only depressed for 3 days and the remainder of the month I was level. (i.e. not experiencing any mood changes where I'm manic or depressed) Last week was rough due to some health problems I've been having, but I'm doing much better now that 2 of them have been addressed. :)