Verizon Wireless and deaf customer service

Dennis S.

Active Member
Nov 22, 2003
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Local St. Louis news:,"verizon"+AND+"tty"

Scroll down to the bottom-most article on the page, "Verizon helps hearing impaired"

Verizon Wireless announced that they will be providing customer service via TTY for deaf and hard of hearing customers, from 8am to 5pm weekdays.

What the hell is so exciting or newsworthy about that? If I was a DEAF WIRELESS customer, what are the chances that I would have a TTY? The trend today is to ditch the home line and go solely wireless, and TTYs for cell phones are RARE because there are NO cell phones with BUILT IN TTY interfaces.

Wyndtell is the ONLY company that offers pager to TTY service, for a fee -- but then why would you call Verizon Wireless?!

The question I want to pose to you all: How should wireless companies make their customer service more accessible?
Not to mention, almost everyone I know is using videophones... My guess is that Verizon is just saying that to make themselves look good... but I can almost guarantee it that the TTY is never going to get any use. :sure:
I no longer use a landline phone, my phone jack takes place my cable jack and your old version of Realplayer is good as your free cablebox.

what do you mean by realplayer? dont you need to pay per months for access? and do they have captioning?
NightwarriorJin said:
what do you mean by realplayer? dont you need to pay per months for access? and do they have captioning?

See, Richard makes no sense and it is safe to say that he does the same thing to many AD postings. He is clueless when it comes to high technology.
What will you do if you need to call 911?

Nesmuth said:
I no longer use a landline phone, my phone jack takes place my cable jack and your old version of Realplayer is good as your free cablebox.

Actually FCC law prohibits phone companies from completely disconnect the phone line! FCC mandates all existing landline phone lines to have 911 calls enabled REGARDLESS!. Even if this means you had disconnected the landline phone you WILL still BE ABLE to make 911 calls though landline phone! I already tested and verified. So, I am glad I decided to disconnect my phone line, save my money and cut that telemarketer craps!

NeilMcD said:
What will you do if you need to call 911?
Actually I think Verizon is stupid to do that, mainly because their service is based on analog networking. This analog networking is excellent for vocie connectivity, but terrible with Data! Tmobile, Sprint, and other carrier uses digital networking, this enables them sending data signal much better, and more realiable than analog networking. Now you see why Verizon don't sell much data only devices like Tmo do. How can Verizon get deaf customers when they only offers analog networking? Something is wrong with them!