Verizon Push-to-Talk


New Member
Jul 23, 2012
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I currently wear a hearing aid in my right ear, and should be getting new hearing aids shortly for both ears.

My employer is getting Verizon push-to-talk for a particular project that I might be part of. Does anyone have any experience with push-to-talk technology?

If so, my question is can I hear it push-to-talk on a regular hearing aid program, or do I need to either switch my hearing aid to t-coil or bluethooth my hearing aids into the phone?

I ask because I would need to use this technology when I drive, and in order to drive certain types of vehicles I am required to wear my hearing aid(s). Also I need to be in the regular setting with my hearing aid(s) when I drive this particular types of vehicles because I need to hear things around me.