US to spend $200 million a day on Obama's Mumbai visit

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I never expressed any concern for HD. But it's likely many will. :)
Haven't seen any and it's unlikely many will since they didn't have problem with American cars being made from dozens of countries :)

Who says I have a complaint? I think I posted more than once in this thread that it doesn't bother me. I didn't even mention Obama. You must be confusing me with someone else. :dunno:
So all of your posts here regarding HD are..... what? a concern?
My sister retired from GM, and so did her husband. They did a heck of a lot more than push buttons. They have a nice spread but they are frugal with their money and still cut costs whenever possible.
My father retired from the Air Force long ago, and he lives with Mom in an assisted-living center which costs more than 5000 a month.
See where I'm going?

We have a GM plant in Arlington....I play ball with many GM employees (wouldn't hire any of them) you are correct some don't push a button....some tighten a bolt.
We have a GM plant in Arlington....I play ball with many GM employees (wouldn't hire any of them) you are correct some don't push a button....some tighten a bolt.

like NYC MTA workers..... :lol:
a discussion occurs because one has a concern
Or just an interest. I find topics to be of interest even if I'm not worried or concerned about the outcome.

Not every topic of discussion is earth shattering.
Or just an interest. I find topics to be of interest even if I'm not worried or concerned about the outcome.

Not every topic of discussion is earth shattering.

You mean some are? :shock:
Wirelessly posted

How can lowering wages help?

Seriously, the United States have one of the lowest wages in the Western world. Are you saying lowering it even more have a chance of restarting the economy?

I means... it's hard to compete with Bangladesh where their ONLY resource is human capital.

Yup, I agree and we live in expensive society.

In Honda plant, they make around $50,000 per year and it is good as unionized auto plants.
We have a GM plant in Arlington....I play ball with many GM employees (wouldn't hire any of them) you are correct some don't push a button....some tighten a bolt.

Unless you are building cars. Gimme a break.
Unless you are building cars. Gimme a break.

I meant because they are lazy.......Plus following the GM model I would need 15 people to hang a sheet of drywall. :lol:
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