US sending robots to Japan


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Aug 16, 2009
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US sends robots to Japan |

The US government is sending robotic help to Japan to help regain control of the tsunami-damaged nuclear plant.

A top energy department official said a shipment of ''radiation hardened robotics'' will be sent to Japan to assist in the crisis.

A department spokeswoman said a robotic device from the Idaho National Laboratory is being shipped along with several radiation-hardened cameras.

Peter Lyons, an acting assistant energy secretary, said Japanese officials were ''very, very interested'' in learning more about the capabilities of US robots.

The United States is also sending robot operators who would be used to train Japanese operators, Lyons said.

Robots with electronics built to withstand radiation could presumably work in areas where radiation levels would harm or even kill a person. Workers at the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi plant have been exposed to high levels of radiation and burned.

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Kinda weird. I asked Hubby about that over a week ago. I said, "Why don't they send robots into the dangerous areas?"
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Odd thing Japan dont have that and we do? Strange coming from a high technology country.
yeah. i alway think. japan have most robot in world. guess more robot better for them. anything can help.
what nightmare
Kinda weird. I asked Hubby about that over a week ago. I said, "Why don't they send robots into the dangerous areas?"

it breaks quickly.
Japanese are comfortable to have robots take over their country.
We had a robot find a secret vault in the Pyramids a while ago. They equipped it with several different types of cameras and the x-rays were very mystifying.

Apparently they found a maze beneath the pyramid but can't access it.
I'm surprised that Japan didn't use ASIMO to do all the work.
I think ASIMO got fried in the Tsunami. Water and electronics don't do well together you know, lol. :lol: