Update on my son

Elliotts Dad

Oct 11, 2009
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I thought I would update from this thread


Elliott has had his HA's about 4 months now and is doing really well, at least as far as understanding speech goes. He still doesnt talk that much but he is learning more signs and using them. They got him into 3yo preschool a year early and he seems to like it. The teacher is using a FM system for him and he is working with a speech therapist and deaf/hoh teacher there as well. They tell us what an adorable angel he is at school and we wonder if they are talking about the same kid, lol. He runs around here like a maniac!

It seems now that his sister may have some hearing loss as well in one ear. She had 2 tests that showed this but we are having a BAER test in 2 weeks to confirm and go from there.
Awe!! Best of luck. Seems like your son is doing well. I'm sure your daughter will also.

I'm also a HOH preschool teacher. You'd be surprised by how school can tame the wildest kids at times. Does the center your child goes to have the V.P.K program?
The special ed school that my 4 year old goes to says the same about him. That he is an angel and is very well behaved but at home, he is the opposite. I am a deaf teacher and the parents of my 4th graders say the same about their kids.."Wow, they are well behaved at school??" lol

Sounds like he is doing well!
Sorry to hear your daughter may now be experiencing problems. But I am glad to know your son is doing so well. Why is it that the child who behaves so well in school never comes home?:roll:
you have beautiful, happy children! congratulations, and good job, dad!
What a cutie!!

Reading your post was like having a flashback, lol! I used to tell people, "No, wait...I'm P.J.'s mom." thinking that they had him confused with a less active and strong willed kid!:giggle:

Glad to hear that Elliot is doing so well. Be proud, dad.
Thank you for being an alert and attentive parent, big hugs and a way-to-go-Dad! (I went for 19 years before someone suggested I go to an audiologist, I am severely bordering profoundly hearing impaired). Your post made me smile ear to ear, YA!
You son and daughter are adorable. Glad that Elliot is doing well. Keep up the good work!
Thanks all, we do our best. and we always think its not enough!

My daughters results from the BAER came back as a very slight hearing loss, <10%. Since we never had any indication of a hearing loss, this makes sense. They told my wife that she might have trouble hearing faint whispers and she will need to be tested every few months or so.
I guess as long as she keeps passing my whispered "cookie" test i will consider that good!
Well you know, unilateral hearing loss in general isn't always aided.
Very minimal unilateral loss is just something to keep an eye on.
Wow, what cute pictures. Very adorable kids. Thanks for the update Elliotts Dad. Just remembered that my boys spoke later than my girls. (and less often, blamed on the yakkity girls) lol
Oh and Elliot's Dad are you guys members of the American Society for Deaf Children yet? I would strongly reccomend memebership. It's great for networkign etc.