Update on my pregnancy...

I didn't mean to sound so harsh

It's not WildKaTReSS that I have a problem with. She must do what she's comfortable with doing and I wish her well on the upcoming birth of her son.

My problem is that I have seen so many needless inductions that ended up being a problem in the long run that I just cringe when someone says they're being induced because the doctor wants that. We live in a day and age of so many needless c-sections that a lot of times are related to impatient Doctors that I want to smack em up side the head and say let nature take its course. For me as long as the baby is healthy why play with nature? But if it's the mother's choice or there is a true medical need then who am I to complain?

As for my saying It doesn't make sense to me, I was thinking many women don't dialte until right before delivery so the doctor using that as an excuse is strange and perplexing to me.

But, if WildKaTReSS is happy with her doctor and the decision to induce then that's what she needs to do. She has to do what feels best for her and her son. I support her in that.
Lorias1228 said:
It's not WildKaTReSS that I have a problem with. She must do what she's comfortable with doing and I wish her well on the upcoming birth of her son.

My problem is that I have seen so many needless inductions that ended up being a problem in the long run that I just cringe when someone says they're being induced because the doctor wants that. We live in a day and age of so many needless c-sections that a lot of times are related to impatient Doctors that I want to smack em up side the head and say let nature take its course. For me as long as the baby is healthy why play with nature? But if it's the mother's choice or there is a true medical need then who am I to complain?

As for my saying It doesn't make sense to me, I was thinking many women don't dialte until right before delivery so the doctor using that as an excuse is strange and perplexing to me.

But, if WildKaTReSS is happy with her doctor and the decision to induce then that's what she needs to do. She has to do what feels best for her and her son. I support her in that.
I understand your concern. Maybe, the doctor is doing this for her own safety. It could be so that the labor is shorter when she's giving birth or less painful. Sometimes, waiting until the last minute makes things more complicated and at high risk. Maybe waiting too long will make the baby a bit too big that they can't give birth naturally and end up doing cesarean section, which could end up being scarring?
Lorias1228 said:
It's not WildKaTReSS that I have a problem with. She must do what she's comfortable with doing and I wish her well on the upcoming birth of her son.

My problem is that I have seen so many needless inductions that ended up being a problem in the long run that I just cringe when someone says they're being induced because the doctor wants that. We live in a day and age of so many needless c-sections that a lot of times are related to impatient Doctors that I want to smack em up side the head and say let nature take its course. For me as long as the baby is healthy why play with nature? But if it's the mother's choice or there is a true medical need then who am I to complain?

As for my saying It doesn't make sense to me, I was thinking many women don't dialte until right before delivery so the doctor using that as an excuse is strange and perplexing to me.

But, if WildKaTReSS is happy with her doctor and the decision to induce then that's what she needs to do. She has to do what feels best for her and her son. I support her in that.

Thank you.. I wanted to say this.. She felt insult by your previous posts.. so i explained to her.. don't worry its some people's opnions but.. i did disagree with your opnions too..
I know there are many c-sections but like i said.. now days the better techology and drs think c-sections are safer than having long and hard labors.. can risk both mother and baby.. OR mother too..

Also like Vampy said.. I agreed.. we cant have perfect labor/delivery or let nature take its course.. I tried to let my pregnancies take its course.. but my first and 2nd , they born huge babies.. (9 pounds and 10 pounds 3oz).. I realized that i should have c-section cuz so much scarred ...

One thing.. Were you pregnant before? if not.. then you dont know how its feel like.... or go through..
if so.. you should have understand..
MommytobeWildKaTReSS, enjoy the last days of your pregnancy. Only you & husband and your ob/gyn knows the best for you and your own baby. I pray you will have a fast and especially, not so painful delivery. I hope you will heal fast so you can be on your feet and enjoy the wonders of Motherhood. Enjoy each moment with Xavier and remember we are thinking of you when you are in the hospital. *HUGS*


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Socrates said:
MommytobeWildKaTReSS, enjoy the last days of your pregnancy. Only you & husband and your ob/gyn knows the best for you and your own baby. I pray you will have a fast and especially, not so painful delivery. I hope you will heal fast so you can be on your feet and enjoy the wonders of Motherhood. Enjoy each moment with Xavier and remember we are thinking of you when you are in the hospital. *HUGS*

Huggs!! I like your new nick name !
Yeah, I am praying for her and support her.. I have been helping her and comfort her since she is nervous and dont know what to do before.. ;) Since we met on other site... and have been there for her online to listen or her needs to get advices.. since I felt bad that i dont live near her as I wish, I could be there for her... I encouraged her to talk Dr more openly and get more informations that she and her husband didnt take lazamee classes which they dont provided at hospital due to lack of mix-up or schedules, I was disappointed.. I told her once she is in hospital, she will be in good hands and fully support by nurses.. all she have to tell them to help her go through breathing and know what to do.. also gave her advices to get books or www.. to learn about labor/deliver .. so far she is doing GREAT!! *jumps*

the best thing to have someone to be there to listen or advices.. unless its serious condition.. let dr take care of it so you dont want put in blame..

BTW---HUGGGS WildKaTReSS.. you are doing great!
:cuddle: lol
*HUGS* GigglyGal!! I am so glad you are there for WildKaTReSS because she really does need help. It doesn't mean she doesn't know what to do as a Mommy but she needs moral support from one Mommy to another. Labour is a scary experience and you will be shocked at what you go through. Women say the awful things to their loved ones such as "I hate you, fuck you, you go away and I never ever want to see you again, you bastard!" When the baby arrives, they are shocked to learn they said those things but they can't help themselves as it is the immense pain they go through before they can even have the epidural. The Oxycontin (medication that stimulates contractions) really does make labour a lot more painful and you can't have the epidural until you are dilated up to a number of centimetres which is hard for first- time mothers. Lamaze classes helps but if you don't take it, it is even harder. I'm glad you're helping WildKaTReSS and her husband, GigglyGal as you have had experience and are expecting your 6th bundle of joy! Congratulations, MamaGigglyGal!! :ily: Hope the 6th one is a handsome one like Allen, eh? Still gotta keep dem girls out of Allen's way!! *winksa!*
Yes, I agreed fully your comment details about the preggy always goes to scared due 1st time preggy and scare confront for birthing etc etc that naturally for everyones..
Hey WildKatRess, don't worry you will be fine after birthing all you will full 100% held your first baby arms around and seeing cuties hands and feets and toes and blah blah wha..ever you name it.. Best the Wishes you have great luck.. Glady that Giglz goes through helping you awful lot tips.. I applaud her doing being supportive w/wildatress!

As for me.. (Short story of mine).....
Oh yeah, Was in contraction and putt' me horrble full of flithy mouth. I had impiral and reduce my flithy mouth and relaxation too. I felt none pain due of imprial.. Worth goes through my prenancy and birthing..
1... natural birthing
2...Imprial and also 3rd same thing as #2...

Take care.. :thumb:
You'll be in good hands WildKatress...when the joy overwhelms you and your husband as your newborn son is in the comfort of your arms will supersedes any kind of anxiety or concerns you made have with induced labor...and also, my thoughts and prayers will be with you (and your hubby...from possibility of fainting~....) for a healthy son and without complications....

Keep AD posted! :D
Update!! Update!!!

I would like to do this for WildKatRess..

Since, I got message from her last night.. I would like to ask some of you or all of you to give thoughts and do some prayers for her..

She had Dr appointment yesterday, unforunately the baby is still stubborn and no change.. that makes Dr more concerns, He decided to admit her to the hospital tomorrow (wed- 5-19)... at 5pm... To have the induce process to start... (from my experienced).. as she said that she still not dilated and cervix havent change at all.. so it will be long process for her.. so I asked you guys to pray and thoughts that she have:

To have safety and short labor/delivery (not 2-3 days)... Give WildKat alot energy and strength to go through the process.. and her husband too.. to give him alot patiences and support in happy and gentle.. with love!
And the important part of this to have mother and baby to be healthy and safety...
Thank you guys!!

MsGiglz said:
I would like to do this for WildKatRess..

Since, I got message from her last night.. I would like to ask some of you or all of you to give thoughts and do some prayers for her..

She had Dr appointment yesterday, unforunately the baby is still stubborn and no change.. that makes Dr more concerns, He decided to admit her to the hospital tomorrow (wed- 5-19)... at 5pm... To have the induce process to start... (from my experienced).. as she said that she still not dilated and cervix havent change at all.. so it will be long process for her.. so I asked you guys to pray and thoughts that she have:

To have safety and short labor/delivery (not 2-3 days)... Give WildKat alot energy and strength to go through the process.. and her husband too.. to give him alot patiences and support in happy and gentle.. with love!
And the important part of this to have mother and baby to be healthy and safety...
Thank you guys!!


I hope she has a speedy safe labor/delivery with no complications and hope she will be healthy too as well and the baby too :):) We're thinking of you two.. and praying for you two as well :D hugs!
MsGiglz..please tell Wildkatress that she is in my thoughts and prayers for the safe delivery of her baby and for her husband too for his strength and support for her!! God bless!
Oohh, I sure hope WildKaTreSS is okay and the baby is okay as well. My thoughts and prayers are with her, the baby and her husband.
Hiiiii Sarah!!! *Hugs* Sorry I Missed ur aims last Night I was away from my computer...:( Hope you didn't think I was ignoring you....

I have induced with my Second Child because My first Child was 9 Pounds and he; the Doctor was afraid that the second one will be 9 Pounds but he was close, My second one was only 8 Pounds 7 oz. It was so quick that Night I came in the Hospital to induced it started at 1230 am and then my Contractions started at 2 am and He came out at Early in the Morning which was at 6 am... I was so glad that everything went smooth but Painful...U could say I was screaming heh....I am Positive Sure everything will turn out great for u Sarah. I cannot wait to see the baby in June when I am down in Indiana...(excited) Keep us Post! and Show us the beautiful baby here in AD...Love Ya Sarah!
I had both of my pregnancies induced. Both of my daughters came out just great.

There is nothing wrong with inducing ..Im more concerned about C-sections. More and more doctors are opting for inducing because it is convenient for their schedules, rather than wait and call for a strange doctor if that regular doctor is busy.

Best of luck, Wild with your new baby soon :)
WildKatress - don't let anyone scare you about pains.

*thinking self ha, what pain?*

I must had a dumb doc cuz i had a 9 lb baby and he was just too big to be born naturally, he decided against C-section cuz he claimed that the baby was already half way thru..no wonder i had 13-15 stitches put in!! ugh! I had to stay in the hospital for 5 days cuz of that!
Lorias1228 said:
Okay... it's yor doctor. It still doesn't make sense to me but if your comfortable with it that's what matters. Good Luck :)


Lori, Have you had kids on YOUR own?? What and why doesn't make sense to you? Why not get your OWN baby and you will know what is feel like? It is NOT the doctor's. It is the mother's choices and asking their doctor what is the best for them to make the mother feel better.

WildKatress, I am praying for you to have a quickie and easy delivery. Don't worry about the needles (it is not really that bad), just think about yourself and the baby.

I had my son Kyler at 40 weeks, and I was inducted into labor, cause I was being miserable and my blood pressures was up and down, and I couldn't get comfortable, so my doctor induced me on the night of May 31, and the next day on June 1, I was dilated to 10, and somehow, Kyler was stuck by the shoulder and his heartbeat was dropping and I had to get c-section and 20 minutes, I had a 7lb 8oz and 22 1/2 inch long baby boy screaming the whole room. (His due date was June 7, but I had him on June 1, 1 week early).

Every mothers have all kind of different birth experiences with their 1st child and 2nd and so on.
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prayig for the safe birth of ur baby keep us updated cant wait to hear the news its the 18th for me here and i have looked at the time the dr wanna u come in i think Alllllll ADERS should put in chain of prayers in for yr strength and knowing u have powerful friends that all love u to death! good luck! :grouphug:

Hope you have a save birth.. let the joy be happiness.. and enjoy your newborn son :D