update on my 9.5-week old son - now has HA's

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Someone who grows up with ONLY ASL often has very poor written language skills - they tend to "type sign" instead of type English. While that's fine for you, it's NOT fine for me! Perhaps you could compare this kind of language problem with those potentially faced by implanted children.
The WGP, ORAL kids very often face those same exact language delays. Yes, there's a population that does REALLY well, with English....but that population also seems to be high achieving for almost anyone!
"Many receive huge benefit..".. you accidentally/conveniently forgot that group of CI-users !

are u forgetting that I have been teaching many children with CIs who fell so far behind in the mainstreamed programs? Right, it is the parents' fault.
You're very seriously off-putting. I pray that no parents come into contact with you - not because your ideas are so wrong, but because you could do real damage to a child's chances of growing up with the best opportunities available to them. Guess what? Someone who grows up with ONLY ASL often has very poor written language skills - they tend to "type sign" instead of type English. While that's fine for you, it's NOT fine for me! Perhaps you could compare this kind of language problem with those potentially faced by implanted children.

Further, you do have one good basic point - an implanted person does not always get every sound out of the environment that a hearing person would. However, guess what? ASL is not going to help that in the SLIGHTEST!

And trying to make personal insinuations about Lotte is simply uncalled for. The only answer in a situation like this is that there is no answer; each individual set of circumstances is different and various therapies and solutions may or may not be appropriate for different patients. Please, respect that! Just FYI, I won't be reading this post anymore - so you can flame me all you want :)

only and if only they have been language delayed. U cant blame ASL. If ASL was at fault, then why deaf children who have been exposed to ASL since birth have shown to possess excellent literacy skills? I am not only speaking from research...I am also speaking from experience as a teacher using the BiBi approach.
TheWGP, if you had read this thread from start to now, you would see that we (and I am deaf myself, WGP) are trying to advocate giving Evan ALL opportunities of communication, instead of cutting him short. In no post, unless I have missed it, have any of us said "ONLY ASL", we've been saying the opposite.

Exactly! We would never propose strictly only ASL...BiBi doesnt do that. It incorporate both languages but the oralists want to restrict these kids to only one language and one communication mode. Ok..whatever.
I wasn't insulting anyone. I was illustrating the point that CI implanted children in oral only environments continue to experience langauge dealys that interfere with cognitive development and educational achievement. This is something that any parent who is considering implanting a child and restricting them to an oral only environment needs to know. To fail to provide that information is to prevent them making a fully informed choice.

And in my professional experience, I see that over and over again year after year...what more can I say?
Well I would be very surprised if this parent comes back on this site. He asked for help and instead he did not get it. I hope he finds the answers and assistances at another site.
Well I would be very surprised if this parent comes back on this site. He asked for help and instead he did not get it. I hope he finds the answers and assistances at another site.

Actually, what he asked for was unconditional support for AVT. If he fails to return, it is only because he is not willing, at this point in time, to listen to what others have to say. I think post #35 speaks for itself.
only and if only they have been language delayed. U cant blame ASL. If ASL was at fault, then why deaf children who have been exposed to ASL since birth have shown to possess excellent literacy skills? I am not only speaking from research...I am also speaking from experience as a teacher using the BiBi approach.
It is true, it already proved that oralism harm me in long run. Oral limited me to 5th grade level in language. When I first learned sign language, it changed me and released me from searching find a way to communicate with my parents. I am still angry at hearing parents who are against sign language, oralist teachers, AGB and John Tracy Clinic for lying to my parents and to other unaware parents of deaf child about what a great oral method for their deaf child.
Shel90, the hearing parents are just stubborn. Close minded. They don't want to know that their own children will remain deaf or hard of hearing. They think that hearing aids or CI will make them hear all the words and possibly read lips very well. They also believe that this CI will bring them clear sounds and expect them to use oral only environment. We have suffer a lot of pressure from hearing parents and it was not fair for us to go through this just to please them all the more for them to have us hear like them. This is a sad fact that the hearing parents don't understand how important it is to have us use ASL and also using English Sign Language including BiBi. I would never know why we could not get through them to make them understand our needs as a D/HOH persons. Everyone of us have flaw in our bodies, even hearing people have flaws so what is the difference here. :(
You know, sometimes I get sick of being labeled as HOH or Deaf or "functionally" HOH. To me I'm am D E A F. HOH means : You cannot hear. Functionally HOH means: You cannot hear. Deaf means: You cannot hear. What the hell is the difference? Although I can speak English fluently and sign fluently, I still label myself as deaf. Yes I enjoy listening to music and can follow the lyrics very well (Trust me, it comes with years of training). Sure, I can hear on the phone. But...I am STILL D E A F!

I suspect that the OP, Evan's Mom is ignoring this thread because she feels that she's being attacked. While it's true of certain situations of so MANY different deaf people and their experiences, I do wonder if Evan's Mom is not considering the open tool box, but it's her choice, and she and Evan will have to live with it.

Just because I have bilateral CIs doesn't mean I'm better than everyone else. Sure, I probably hear better than most deaf people, but who cares? Some Deaf People LOVE living in a silent world. Others don't. I know I don't.

It DOES suck that many deaf people have bad experiences growing up. Frankly, I didn't know ANYTHING about other deaf kids growing up because I thought I was just getting the education that I needed. I had a total communication environment. It wasn't until I was in College that I realized how VASTLY different of ways of people grew up. So, yes, it does suck sometimes.

Cool, I am guilty for assume people who speak well and can hear with help of aid (Ha or CI) are Hoh. I am glad you let us know how u feel about it. I have many friends who claimed they are HoH cuz they can speak on phone with their Aids and did some interptering for me. I assume it wrongly since they share same experience as deaf people do. Forgive me for being ingornant on this part.
Cool, I am guilty for assume people who speak well and can hear with help of aid (Ha or CI) are Hoh. I am glad you let us know how u feel about it. I have many friends who claimed they are HoH cuz they can speak on phone with their Aids and did some interptering for me. I assume it wrongly since they share same experience as deaf people do. Forgive me for being ingornant on this part.

I am confused. I thought I am HOH because I can hear some with hearing aids. But I can't really hear people on phone. Plus I don't sign. :dunno2:
I am confused. I thought I am HOH because I can hear some with hearing aids. But I can't really hear people on phone. Plus I don't sign. :dunno2:

I think there are two definitions for HOH, one is cultural and the other is audiological. Cultural = all range of hearing losses, wears hearing aids and doesn't sign. Audiological = falling in mild/moderate hearing loss range, able to function in most hearing conditions including phone use but not always with the ready ease and naturalness that a hearing person can.

Many CI users move from severe level (or greater) when aided to mild/moderate level.
I think there are two definitions for HOH, one is cultural and the other is audiological. Cultural = all range of hearing losses, wears hearing aids and doesn't sign. Audiological = falling in mild/moderate hearing loss range, able to function in most hearing conditions including phone use but not always with the ready ease and naturalness that a hearing person can.

Many CI users move from severe level (or greater) when aided to mild/moderate level.

Thank you. My new description= Culturally HOH. Audiologically deaf. I can live with it.
I am confused. I thought I am HOH because I can hear some with hearing aids. But I can't really hear people on phone. Plus I don't sign. :dunno2:

I have a friend who used to talk and hear with HA on the phone with his family till he got CI and he lost a chance to talk with his family on phone. I consider him as a deaf person because of his background. So really it is up to each individual, whether they are HoH or deaf. If you call yourself HoH I am happy with it. One time I offended someone when I told them I thought this person is HoH not deaf. They threw at me. Now I am not sure who shall I call them HoH or deaf anymore. I leave at it here. My husband has some hearing loss but not HoH but more alike mild hoh.
Well I would be very surprised if this parent comes back on this site. He asked for help and instead he did not get it. I hope he finds the answers and assistances at another site.

To be honest, I don't think that AD is a parenting resource board all around. I've noticed that even those hearing parents who don't go the CI route and who sign do not seem to hang around for long unless they are debate focussed. AD is more debate focussed and everyone has their two cents to add on your parenting I guess.
Mod's Note:

The thread's closed for the time being and it will be reviewed.
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