Universal access


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
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We are moving toward a society, where universal access is becoming a part of legal terms and human rights. Deaf organizations have contributed to this trend. Universal access gives many people more freedom, but it isn't possible without some responsibility.

We have to constantly remind the majority that the society needs small adjustments to give almost unlimited access to different kind of people, to strengthen and push this trend toward universal access.

A good start would be to add a rule for posting on alldeaf.com. That rule would be to require a small description of images one post. It takes a couple of seconds to make a sentence or two.

Alldeaf.com would then be able to themselves with an "universal access" logo, something like this one(I think this one is copyrighted by Apple, but this logo is becoming common in different variants).

Also I am a bit emberassed to see deafblinds ask for descriptions of images from deaf people, while deaf people keep on complaining for subtitles. It's like deaf people aren't able to take some responsibility but just want everyone else to take responsibilty.

I don't like to speak on behalf of other groups, but the reason I raise a voice here is that I have written submisson papers about this at a class in university, and know a bit about this. It's not only disabled organizations and UN who work with this, but also something goverments are taking seriously, and also commerical providers on internet.

What do you think, is it an idea to update alldeaf.com with the latest trends in the information age, beeing a spearhead and state of the art forum for people with limited access many other places?
Excellent suggestion. I'm embarrassed that I have to be reminded about this. :Oops:
I have committed the error twice in the last week and thank goodness Flip caught it and did a quick typed translation.
For our DB members, just know these slip ups have not been intentional. If I were SSPing for you I would have signed it tactile.

Sometimes we are all just human and forget.
Agreed. I admit I am guilty of posting images without providing drescription. and flip makes a valid point. I am sorry, I should expect more of myself.
After I logged out, I realized i did not follow my own suggestion. The image I posted, did not have the description I asked for. Pretty emberassing.. :Oops:

The universal access logo is showing a man with stretched out arms and legs inside a circle. Below it says "Universal access, W3C,WAI-AAA,W-CAG 1.0".
Also I am a bit emberassed to see deafblinds ask for descriptions of images from deaf people, while deaf people keep on complaining for subtitles. It's like deaf people aren't able to take some responsibility but just want everyone else to take responsibilty.


As a deafblind ADer, I couldn't agree with you more.

:ty: for including a description of the image you posted.
Describing images, .gifs, videos for the DeafBlind AD'ers.

Hi all,

This is very important to the DeafBlind AD'ers that there be an effort made to describe the pictures/.gifs or videos when you post in AD.

It is my opinion that if you have the time to search Google for a specific picture or upload an image therefore you do have the time to describe the picture in point form.

It is only fair enough you do this as a common courtesy for your DeafBlind counterparts in the AD community.

In light of what I have seen, I am saddened to see some members threatening not to assist other DeafBlind members with the picture description in the heat of the moment. Vision is very important to all of us, blind and sighted.

Once again, I am asking of you all to please do an effort to do picture descriptions for the DeafBlind community here in AD.

Tactile smile and 90 Love!
Oh thank you very much DeafDoc1.

Mods, can you please merge this thread with flip's thread if it is okay? Thank you kindly.
Hi all,

This is very important to the DeafBlind AD'ers that there be an effort made to describe the pictures/.gifs or videos when you post in AD.

It is my opinion that if you have the time to search Google for a specific picture or upload an image therefore you do have the time to describe the picture in point form.

It is only fair enough you do this as a common courtesy for your DeafBlind counterparts in the AD community.

In light of what I have seen, I am saddened to see some members threatening not to assist other DeafBlind members with the picture description in the heat of the moment. Vision is very important to all of us, blind and sighted.

Once again, I am asking of you all to please do an effort to do picture descriptions for the DeafBlind community here in AD.

Tactile smile and 90 Love!

As a deafblind ADer myself, I want to :ty: for writing this post Mrs Bucket. :)
As a deafblind person myself it is really great when people take the trouble of translating/describing things. I think it's really helpful. Many thanks to everyone who bothers to do this.

When I do google online (which I do right now as a writer) I find myself stumped often by things such as having to pay for it or it being in PDF, video or some other equally inaccessable format.

Undersandably the sighted deaf like to have video's to express themselves in prefered format.

It's not just the deaf though. Sometimes the blind will link to Audio which is fine for them but not for me.