Uncommonly Scent from Rm 323


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Jun 19, 2007
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Uncommonly scent

I would like to share a story what happened to me and my boss at work yesterday and today.

There was a couple from Florida visiting our hotel last Thursday. They were wonderful guests. They were on my floor. I have been working nine days (tmw will be tenth days in a row before I have this weekend off) and have seen the guests. On Saturday evening sometimes her husband was unconstantly and went to the hopital. So I noticed something funny that she had DND (Do Not Distrub) on her door on Saturday. She was due checking out that day...so the day had followed we had decide, ok she is staying because her stuffs were still in the room. The next day she had told the front desk that her husband was at the hospital and she had no idea how long he will stay. it didnt sound good.

Wednesday morning, she came out of the room. I asked her if she is staying, she said yes and she had to visit her husband at the hospital. hoping he will leave today...she have said...

Yesterday morning I came in to get my cart, I smelt sumthing funny, unfamiliar odor in the hallway. I kept asking myself what the heck is that smell...anyways I went on with my business to do my job that I normally do every morning. Two rooms later, the lady from 323 came to me, and she spoke very, very quietly. I barely heard her and I said, I am deaf. She smiled, and repeated. I gave two fresh towels she had asked. I noticed she looked confused and out of place. i asked her if she is alright. She said yeah, and I asked her repeatly if she is alright or if she needed anything? She kept saying no and she is alright. I asked her again, are you really ok? Because by the sound of her tone, she is not alright. She said her husband passed away the night before. I told her I was really sorry. and I hugged her, even though I do not know her. But my heart go out to this woman. I told her please if she needs anything, please do let us know. She said she will. Then she came back to me seconds later, she got locked out of her room. I went to open the door for her. I still sense unfamiliar smell. I do not know what it was. Her husband died at the hospital, not at the hotel.

The lady had checked out later this afternoon. I cleaned her room. The odor was pretty strong when I enter the room to clean. So after it was finished. I had to get something from downstairs and few things and return the room. the smell was gone. Completely gone...

So my and my boss have talked about this at the end of the day. I asked her about the smell. I told her it smelt like funeral flowers. She said Yeah!!! She thought it too, so was the manager. We found it odd because no one else does, but all us all bec we are the only ones that spoke to that woman. We have gave her a card yesterday after I discovered that her husband died. She did left me something special and I will never forget her. First time in my entire working life, I sense something. I have smelt funeral flowers. Even though we have never seen her carry any flowers, only a suitcase, her and her husband--like any other guests normally do...

Does anyone have the same experinces I had or simpliar to that???
whoa interesting story
i used to work at hotel one time like 10 ago i never exerience like that but very interesting
whoa interesting story
i used to work at hotel one time like 10 ago i never exerience like that but very interesting

First time ever for me at work. I have worked in Nursing Homes, motel, Inn and two hotels. Nothing like it like yesterday and today.

My boss and I felt it was because we have spoken to that woman. We hung on that floor...

I have sense it around families, but never at work though.