Ubuntu Linux vs Windows Vista

I did download and install Slackware (Kill Bill version) but at the same time The owner had shut down the server for upgrade. I couldn't get modulars downloads :ugh::tears: So I had to drop it and switch to Mepis Linux. I would check Slax again cuz it had been more than 4 months and I ran out of CD R and planned to go out and buy more.

I must admit I had burned too many Distros of Linuxes on CD-R disks. Such as SabayonLinux, PCLinuxOS, DSL, Solaris, MintLinux, Gentoo, Ubuntu, Knoppix, OpenSuSe, PuppyLinux, Debian, Kubuntu, Fedora Core (Had Red Hat 9 last 6 or 7 years ago), Mepis, BSD, NimbleX, Mandrivia (Formerly Mandrake 8 that I had 6 or 7 years ago) and few more that I can't remmy the names. Some are more than one copies of version that had been updated every 3 to 6 months. That's why I ran out. I finally found my flavor.

It broils down to me that I like the flavor, Ubuntu, Mepis, Knoppix, DSL, PuppyLinux. I've tried Mint Linux, I like it but had bugs that won't let me install VirtualBox and some softwares (it's Ubuntu base).. I played with OpenSuSe and it was okay but had some issue with softwares I installs and didn't like some of Linuxes that had problems with my hardware especially with Gentoo!! Friend of mine have Gentoo Linux and he had no problem. I told him I tried to install Gentoo into my AMD64 system and Athlon 1.6 Ghz system. It took foorreeever to install. I told him I think I burnt copy too fast so I tried again with slower 24x and still same problem. I decided to wait out till Gentoo have newer version with hardware update and resolved bugs on installation. I can tell each flavor of linuxes under Gentoo, Ubuntu, Slax, Fedora, Mandrake, Knoppix, and name a few that Developer creates their own Linux flavors.

Currently, I have Mepis 7.0 installed in 600mhz "naked" mobo in the garage workbench shucked next to books. It runs great but slow cuz of graphic card. I use that to search info and chat on AIM while working on project in garage. So once I get new mobo for orphaned AMD64 processor, I would throw in Ubuntu again. Perhap maybe try using same Hdd that I threw all craps in with Compiz to fix the setup on hardware so I wouldn't have to do all over again.. I worked hard on Ubuntu Gusty Gibbion then upgraded to Hardy Heron which run like wonder until ABIT AV8 succumbed by bad BIOS.

Since that Thumbdrive is getting cheaper, I would install Ubuntu in 8GB flash drive. It's plenty to use ONLY if you don't plan on to throw heap of softwares craps in it.


I am sorry to tell you but thumbdrive is not correct. It's sound silly. We call USB flash drive. When you type thumbdrive and keep redirected to usb flash drive.

USB flash drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

thumbdrive sound like that.

You still can run linux on windows, no matter what kind motherboard you have.

Linux has limited games? Try Debian and you will see it has thousands of packages including lots of games. Some are good and some are blah as you'd expect with a large collection. There's even a game for shooting alien spacecraft in four dimensional space. :shock: Ask me if you want to know some games I've tried and found to be good.
I am sorry to tell you but thumbdrive is not correct. It's sound silly. We call USB flash drive. When you type thumbdrive and keep redirected to usb flash drive.

USB flash drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

thumbdrive sound like that.

You still can run linux on windows, no matter what kind motherboard you have.


I guess I have gotten used to slang word for USB flashdrive.

Yes, I tried one Linux distro run on top of Windows. It was okay to me but I prefer separated.

Funny thing. Windows XP can lock each apps and browser too. You need looks deep careful. I do for few coworker at company to avoid from trouble. My supervisor thought XP can't lock app and browser but he is wrong. :)

Yes, I am aware of it. But to clarify my explaination. Windows does have User desktop for individual but it can't provide password to unlock browser. Linux does.

If you are able to do that on Windows, let me know how. In that way my kids can play games from CD drive or Hdd unrestricted but can't get in browser until they ask me to unlock it via password. No rebooting or log off.

Yes, I am aware of it. But to clarify my explaination. Windows does have User desktop for individual but it can't provide password to unlock browser. Linux does.

If you are able to do that on Windows, let me know how. In that way my kids can play games from CD drive or Hdd unrestricted but can't get in browser until they ask me to unlock it via password. No rebooting or log off.


Pretty easy and almost never change since 2003 (I think)

Internet Options->Content->Enable at Content Advisor.
I found bug on Windows Media Player (it crashed after launch) due my graphic card driver, Nvidia, hurry up to make new driver version to fix the bug.

I'm going email to Nvidia about issue and try find old driver.
Funny thing. Windows XP can lock each apps and browser too. You need looks deep careful. I do for few coworker at company to avoid from trouble. My supervisor thought XP can't lock app and browser but he is wrong. :)

Ok, sound like it's for client network that are typical for companies.
What I was trying to lock browser on SAME computer. I created new Limited User name for my kid under my Administrator User acct. Then I logged off and logged in my kid's Limited User account. I deleted internet explorer on desktop, unchecked the browser and email under taskbar's customize setup. And even unchecked and "do not show" on all Network, My pictures, Run, ect... So that the start menu just look blank except Programs

But under Administrator account, I seem I can't find Permission that I can control Limited User account by locking browser or network card on Kid's account. It's kinda pissing me off. But at least for now, my kids can't find browser at all. I'm worried just one little thing that my wireless logitech keyboard have built in internet button. XP installed it's own driver for wireless Logitech keyboard. There are NO setting to uncheck to disable Internet button. So given idea that kids might bumped or press one button and they'll have new discovery that they can blaze net unsupervised :lol: (not really but trying to get them off the online games and youtube.)

Basically, I'm trying to limit internet usage for my sons and still can use computer to play installed games and have set permission to allow them to install more games from cdrom.


I missed Linux already!

I would not ever install vista.
Vista is really BLOATED piece of operating system.

I have run variety of linux. I run ubuntu, centos, slackware, red hat, and freebsd.
I run linux few different machines :)
one of them, i set up dual boot.
I also run win xp, win2000, win2003 on one machine, yes it is possible to setup triple boot on one machine.
I would not ever install vista.
Vista is really BLOATED piece of operating system.

I have run variety of linux. I run ubuntu, centos, slackware, red hat, and freebsd.
I run linux few different machines :)
one of them, i set up dual boot.
I also run win xp, win2000, win2003 on one machine, yes it is possible to setup triple boot on one machine.

Not really if you clean install Vista that contain no unwanted bloatware, I have retail version of Vista with no bloatware and no issue so far after SP1 and updated the OS and drivers, I refuse to buy PC from stores that filled with unwanted bloatware.

What kind of thing that you want remove from Vista? IE, Windows Mail?

If you means apps that combined with OS from MS like IE or Windows Mail then you could consider this OS as bloatware, it's not big deal for me.
I have both Vista and Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a neat operating system for GEEKS.

Vista's better than I thought but again it's running on a new machine. It did poorly on my old PC that I had to revert to XP.

Meanwhile Ubuntu did pretty well on my PC. Just not as user-friendly as Vista even with all the graphical interface. I still find myself going to terminal too many times.
I have both Vista and Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a neat operating system for GEEKS.

Vista's better than I thought but again it's running on a new machine. It did poorly on my old PC that I had to revert to XP.

Meanwhile Ubuntu did pretty well on my PC. Just not as user-friendly as Vista even with all the graphical interface. I still find myself going to terminal too many times.

That's good for ya to use Terminal. I did the same..:giggle:
Linux FTW

I am typing this on one of those pre-installed Ubuntu Dell laptops. It is sleeeeeeeeek.

I love Terminal, how easy it is to customise and hack, and of course, it's free. Vista would KILL my machine, and my Desktop is pretty fast (Ubuntu, convert from XP).

What I've seen of Debian I LOVE. But I'm not advanced enough yet, sooooo...
I also really like PCLinuxOS. But I'd recommend Ubuntu for the community: friendly and very active!

Who's gonna make a Deaf Ubuntu user group on the Ubuntu Forums? Mmm?
I am typing this on one of those pre-installed Ubuntu Dell laptops. It is sleeeeeeeeek.

I love Terminal, how easy it is to customise and hack, and of course, it's free. Vista would KILL my machine, and my Desktop is pretty fast (Ubuntu, convert from XP).

What I've seen of Debian I LOVE. But I'm not advanced enough yet, sooooo...
I also really like PCLinuxOS. But I'd recommend Ubuntu for the community: friendly and very active!

Who's gonna make a Deaf Ubuntu user group on the Ubuntu Forums? Mmm?

Great!!!! I'm still a noob on Ubuntu. I am able to do terminal and some commands to run or install programs ect. But not even yet programming!!!

I love BillardGL pool game!!! sooooo smooth and realistic even full screen!! I got addicted to it!

I did built and added lot of plugins for Compiz by cut and pasting and also followed instructions on how to do it. I didn't have problem with it. My graphic card isn't powerful enuf to bear a heavy load from Compiz (checkmarked many selections for Compiz functions so I had to keep it moderate selections or switching selection to use functions). It can do 80% but not Rain, Water, and few things that requires more powerful graphic card. I would loooove to configure Compiz to run movie on all 4 or more cubed desktop as a wallpaper :lol: I saw it on Youtube and I'm drooling over it!! It's my old ATI Radeon 128mb 9000 Pro that can't do it. I made all my friends drooled over it like crazy. They said it's the best ever they have seen. They admit that Ubuntu is far far far more advanced than Windoz Vista!! It's like Eye Candy to them :rofl:

Interesting that running on MintLinux which use Ubuntu's platform, It won't let me install and run Compiz. I only got errors when I do what I did exactly what's on Ubuntu. So I just switched back to Ubuntu because it is easy for me to do Terminal commands ect and it obeys my commands.. I had just very very few run ins with Ubuntu which are better than nothing!

I tried to use Wines to install and run games. Only just old old games, certain softwares would work with limitation. I wanted Cedegna but must pay $5 a month to use cuz they updates often. Heard that Cedegna is better than Wines (actually it's a Wines but lot of plugins and modification to run many games).

I did installed and ran VirtualBox. I got it figured out how to set Users for VirtualBox instead of requiring log off and log on to Root user. I installed XP inside of Virtualbox and it ran good but not all programs works.

Currently, I have VMWare for Linux or 64bit Linux. So I'm waiting for replacment mobo (foxconn) for my system that died on me few months ago (check my Thread, Mobo and CPU Questions). So I can use AMD64 again and have 1Gb DDr memory and will have PCIe graphic card soon (mobo have built in SiS 761 graphic card just for now). Once I get Ubuntu back on track (I have 20gb hdd that have Ubuntu with Compiz all loaded in from previous system. I will try reconfigure hardware through command before booting up Ubuntu and hopefully I wouldn't have to reinstall Ubuntu and all that hardwork on Compiz). I would install Vmware and see the difference between VirtualBox and VMware. I only wanted to see if it can run games on Windows inside VMware. If it works then I would throw in as many games and apps in and treat it as my 2nd OS inside Ubuntu. :rofl: Betcha my friend will drool till flood my basment and sump pump pumps out drools out of basment :rofl:

I'm kinda pissed with Hamiltion VRS for not porting Linux for Inspirechat!!! I did talked with Rep at ASL Expo explaining that there are deafie using Linux as their main OS. They realized that and will get with programmer. I have not heard from them since. I even sent Email and explaining about it. They replied to me like they're not doing something about it.

I did look through Inspirechat's Java programming. I scrolled down and saw "Windows" somthing. I wish I knew how to program Java to fix that and get Inspirechat working. It does download and installs Inspirechat on Ubuntu with JRE installed. But it won't run... So get the idea. It sound like it's a simple fix that programmer can do. It's stupid that they limited only Windows, not MultiPlatform!!!!! Sheesh!!

Ah, got it... thanks.

Someone is giving me an old laptop and I thought I'd format it and start with a linux-based OS. That's why I was wondering which would be good. I want something that will run smooth and is very simple.

Some of my friends recommend Red Hat, but some other friends recommended Ubuntu.

I'll have to find out about the specs of the laptop that I might be getting. :dunno: