U.S. woman goes ‘all out’ with 30,000-calorie Christmas feast

I don't understand how a human stomach could process that much food in such a short time.

How does she afford her weekly food bill?
The human body can adapt to all kinds of things over time.
I don't understand how a human stomach could process that much food in such a short time.

How does she afford her weekly food bill?

I'm wondering if that one meal exceeds the average amount a food stamp recipient gets a month.
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Captivate (i897))

If some of you read my post earlier...you all need to stop assuming. Few words, bullshit and lying to make money to buy food. My friend knows her in real life.

No one can eat 40 pounds of food in one sitting. Its bullshit.
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Wirelessly posted (Samsung Captivate (i897))

If some of you read my post earlier...you all need to stop assuming. Few words, bullshit and lying to make money to buy food. My friend knows her in real life.

No one can eat 40 pounds of food in one sitting. Its bullshit.

Bulimics and compulsive over eaters CAN, Sequoias, so no, it's NOT BS. You need to spend time with someone suffering from an eating disorder, and, I'd bet you'd change your tune; or at least, I'd hope you would.

Oh, boy. OK, I'm bouncing from this thread now before I get ticked off at the insensitivity of several posters in this thread.
Yeah, she's a beaut all right.

She actually earns money doing this. Amazing.

I feel sorry for her little daughter.

yep, that is where her income comes from....not from welfare services. Also, that her husband is a chef....so that's good money as well. She has 2 kids of her own...but yeah felt bad for her daughter and her older kid who's 14. I don't know why the 14 year old kid isn't in the picture...mostly her younger daughter.
Yeah, she's a beaut all right.

She actually earns money doing this. Amazing.

I feel sorry for her little daughter.

So do I. I don't think her eating disorder is the only thing that's going on with her as OB has stated. I don't even want to think about her health problems and her family who will have to deal with the conquences of her eating disorder.
Wirelessly posted

Glenn said:
I wonder of Jiro knows her. She is from New Jersey. :)

Maybe, Alex knows her, he's also from NJ :)
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But all that food in a two-hour period? :eek3:

I am guessing that she might be eating slowly to make that last longer so that she will not get sick from eating too much of junk food in a two-hour period. :dunno:
I'm wondering if that one meal exceeds the average amount a food stamp recipient gets a month.

It does. Most food stamp reciepients get only $500 a month, and they are limited (somewhat) on what items they can purchase.