Tyler's Audiogram


New Member
Jul 18, 2010
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I've had a few posts asking about Tyler's audiograms... so I thought I would post.

Tyler's loss slopes a bit - more slope in his left than his right...

left ear (between 60-80dBHL):
500hz 60dBHL
1000hz 65dBHL
2000hz 70dBHL
4000hz 80dBHL

right ear (between 75-85dBHL):
500hz 75dBHL
1000hz 80dBHL
2000hz 80dBHL
4000hz 85dBHL

Do you think the Sound Recovery in Naida's would help at all?
I don't think for the right ear but the left ear maybe mine are shifted from 6hz-8hz to about 2-4hz i think
Isn't that what your audiologist is for- to determine which is best under the current circumstances for Tyler? To transfer from the separation/divorce segment I believe both parents should be real clear on what Tyler's conditions means and how they should jointly interact-"hearing wise" to Tyler. Having other "martial problems" will just compound the difficulties in dealing with the "hearing loss". Yeah audiologists are not "marriage counsellors" but one does trust them on their dealing with "hearing difficulties". Consider my user name's- Dr Phil's thoughts re "Relationship rescue"- the library.
Trying times to say the least.

Advanced Bionics -Harmony Atria activated Aug/07