Trying to stick magnets to my head


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
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k....I know I have too much free time on my hands but I have been trying to stick a magnet to my head for hours in an attempt to figure out where the implant is actually located.

No luck....must need a stronger magnet....I think I have some speakers around here that I can rip apart lol

Probably a good thing that I go back to work next week haha

I think I have it located but the lack of pain there is what has me baffled...

Lay off the drugs.

Wait till the swelling goes down and you will have a better luck. Even fridge magnets will work.

Lay off the drugs.

Wait till the swelling goes down and you will have a better luck. Even fridge magnets will work.

Again, we really need a spit-take icon.

The old children's alphabet magnets usually work, but we can't get the literary fridge words to connect.
Daredevel7 posted her picture with a stuffed toy cat that had a magnet stuck to her head. It was very cool . :lol:
You still swollen, I had a hard time sticking the CI magnetic that came with it on the activation 2 weeks post my surgery and they had to use a stronger one and now almost a month post surgery it's getting better, so I guess you need to wait :)
Hahah oddly enough today is the first day I havent taken my meds....pain meds that is lol

Yah i tried our strongest fridge magnet which is on a can opener....still no luck.

I guess it really doesnt take much extra fluid etc to weaken the magnetic field.

I just thought my neices and nephew who I will be seeing this weekend would get a kick out of stickin stuff to my head. Oh well guess I will have to wait.
Im using Number 5 magnet for my n5 lol. I have always been on strong magnets or itd fall off..

For some odd reason, and I'm not making this up, some people cant stand strong magnets because it gives them headachs, do I know why? No, but its weird.
Pat: from prior thread re: Magnets and Cochlear Implants. I guess magnets don't appear to have effect on one's brain. Good news.
From my experience after implantation back in 2007- don't recall much trouble at all with the magnet on the internal processor. The only trouble today-sometime the fridge door can loosen the external magnet. Easy to place back.

Pat: speedy healing

Implanted (Sunnybrook) A B Harmony activated Aug/07
LOL, Trying to stick magnets to your head is a lot cheaper than the online retail therapy I did after my CI surgery. Thank goodness I did not watch the shopping channels. My credit card would have melted in my hands.
Perhaps it" helps" to be retired while waiting to be activated. Yeah even went swimming 2 weeks after the operation- with the surgeon's permission.Not sure if that "speeded up" healing or not.Still 4 weeks to activation from operation, which i knew.
Didn't try retail therapy either. Not sure if missed anything other then the potential decrease of funds.
As I recall did lots of reading-real quiet to say the least.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Im using Number 5 magnet for my n5 lol. I have always been on strong magnets or itd fall off..

For some odd reason, and I'm not making this up, some people cant stand strong magnets because it gives them headachs, do I know why? No, but its weird.

interesting. I am using number 2 magnets for both. Number 3 magnets is too strong for me.
interesting. I am using number 2 magnets for both. Number 3 magnets is too strong for me.

I think it has to do with layers of hair (mine being really curly), and how far deep into the skull the magnet is in the head.

For example, my oringal AB implant magnet was smooth along the skull cause it been there for years. When the surgeon replaced the implant with Cochlear, it was actually slightly deeper into the skull.
But again I always had required strong magnets, maybe its because I move around a lot?
When i was first switched on I was on magnet #3 now almost 3 years on I am on magnet #1!!!

But I reckon that if there is magnet #1.5 it will do perfectly!

It started off when the swelling went down after about 6 months post switch on, I was on #2 for 1 year until i started to get pains around the implant I asked the audi, she said try weaker magnet. it's annoying at times as it doesn't stay on well but the pain is gone though. I still use #2 for skiing/riding horses as the #1 wont stay on under the helmet and the coil (spare coil with #2 in it) have moleskin padding covering the transmitter so it won't be as painful after hours of riding/skiing.

At school where i work, the kids try every thing metallic to stick on my head!!! they ask me first to see if the item is magnetic!! Bless them! latest one is magnetic darts! I have to watch them like hawk as they now know that they do stick VERY well.... i walked into the main school with 2 sticking out of my head, should have seen the kid's/teacher's reaction! I didn't noticed that one of the kid had stuck it on me while I was doing computer work with another kid. Now, I check the mirror before leaving the classroom! :D

This is one with bottle tops.

See Im not the only one....haha

but yah im still too swollen to get anything I have around the house to stick...