Trouble Balancing Hearing and Deaf Culture....


New Member
Jan 26, 2012
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I'm black, Puerto Rican, and German. I grew up with fluctuating hearing loss but I speak Spanish and English. I love my PR food, culture, and language...
BUT I love deaf culture and language. I'm having trouble balancing the two...
How would Deaf look at it if, once I get my hearing aids, I spoke Spanish with the aids, but otherwise take them off and use terp and sign.... Please help
I'm of the firm belief that you should be who you are. Those that accept that about you are the friends you should keep. Just be yourself and you will be happier with the friends you make.
There is no need to balance anything, just be yourself. Be part of any worlds you wish to be.
We have a guy in our Deaf church and Deaf club that speaks Spanish and uses ASL. He is an ASL teacher for 2 different colleges here in town. He also taught Spanish at a high school for 4 years.

He doesn't see a problem at all. I live in an area that we have many, many PR, Mexicans, and Cubans not to mention Guatemalans, and then there's the Orientals (I hope I got the term right, not meaning to be derogatory here). So we have a lot of Spanish speaking ASL users.