

New Member
Nov 1, 2006
Reaction score
Bear with me:

I speak excellent
I rely on lipreading
I do hear sounds, but unable to hear words being said over phone

So what do you all use when traveling on the road?
I am not thrilled with text messaging when I can speak, I just need to read text in return.

I have to realize that people are working, driving, and doing other things to take time to text back and I am aware that wireless Captel is a long way from now someday.

I don't need fancy other features, like camera, mp3 player and games.
I never had wireless computer, but I thought to get a compact, portable (larger than handheld, but smaller than laptop) computer, that I can take around on the train, car, hotel, and such.. I just asking for your opinion and reccomendation. Thanks much!
When I visited Norway last summer, I brought my Sidekick II with me, but learned an expensive lesson using it. They cost you 15 bucks for each MB you use when abroad, and I used up about 14 MB in three weeks. It might be cheaper to buy a local SIM card and subscribe for a month. I don't know.

When I am in the US, it never really is a problem as Sidekick is covered in the most of the US. Every once in a while I get a weird charge of like three dollars like I did for visiting Key West or Everglades National Park.

After having learned my expensive lesson with international travel, I chose to leave my sidekick home and to use the local internet cafes. When I was in Mexico recently, my bf and I never used phone nor internet and enjoyed our time being being "uncontactable." LOL
what is the op actually asking?

If you go away no gagdet is going to help you.

On the whole people are very friendly. I've never known anyone in any country to not make a phone call for you. The only thing i take away with me is my PSP, and that's just for the flights when they get boring.
mmm you got the point kuifjie
thanks advice cuz i use my SK2 more when i travel and didn't get the charged whew but i will watch out ofc

so for everyone please just follow your guts if thinking there will be more charges in your bills think twice before use it