Traveling to Middle East...


New Member
Sep 5, 2003
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Yep, you read it right. Am traveling to Middle East for a presumedly long period of time. I got some great tips from Gnarlydork :)

Anyway, I was wondering if any of you know the contact information for any Deaf organizations and schools in the country of Jordan specifically? In my feeble attempt of researching, I was only able to come up with a name of one school in Salt, Jordan, but no other information helpful to me (email/website/address/etc), so if you have information or can guide me in the right direction, let me know!
Hey, long time... no see!

Wow, sounds like you've got a lot planned ahead! Good luck with everything! Have fun!

I don't have any hints myself since I've never really gone "out of the United States". (Psst... the furthest I've gone was Niagara Falls.)