trapster on your mobile


New Member
May 23, 2003
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tired of getting speed ticket ?

trapster program might be more helpful to you to protect yourself on speed from hidden police. it always give you a warn message when you approach the area where the police usually hides or red light camera. also it can send text msgs if you prefer. you can report "police usualyl hide" report to trapster service and it automatically marks the map and message on and it always update with your mobile whenever you travel. it requires built in GPS on your mobile or bluetooth GPS that can be connected to your mobile.

personally i play with it for a week. it is interesting ! i usually report some to them daily because i know where the cops hide. if i see live cops hide, i report "live cops hide". it is fun to play. it does help me when i travel around. be ware: GPS does drain the mobile battery quickly. be sure to plug the charger onto your mobile before u turn TRAPSTER on. :)

Trapster® - Speed Trap Sharing System

enjoy it !
Neato!! I will check on my wife's Blackberry 8830 !!

:iough: since i am dad i cant do in high speed like over three digit numbers.:cool: kids need dads.

Ohh man, you're on very same track as I am!! I would LOVE to see triple digit, but Kids need daddy which come first..

Back in 1984, I was driving on highway when I was 15 years old with my oldest brother. I have done 115mph on 1979 Ford Pinto Super Sport on country highway. I felt nothing and it was dang smooth until I check MPH to be sure I'm on track with 55mph because I was passing many cars and said why everyone are slow!! I asked my brother, where's the needle!! We both look and :eek2: !!! The needle was straight down to no-number zone!!! (Ford Pinto speedo marker only stop at 85mph and rest are blank). It was very funny and that explained why A/C was so cold during hot summer and we were breathing out clouds!!! :rofl:

I remmy I rode with my co worker on his hot rodded 1985 ford mustang, he did 135mph on highway. I felt a little force on my chest and seeing many cars whizzing by us. I check his speedo, 135mph Yike!! :eek2: He said he did that often. But his car is much stable than my old 1977 toyota corolla back then LOL. I don't mind riding w/ him again.

Other time my friend drove Nissian Maxima over 115mph and went around highway bridged bend, felt strong G-force and I told him SLOW DOWN cuz I can feel his car was going to slip off the road but luckily, we were at the end of bend to straight in time!! Actually, the highway bridge bend have cement barrier lined up and that was SCARY!! cuz his car was just few inches to the WALL :eek2:. Shush!! I'd rather ride Ford Mustang than his Nissian!!

Last time I raced with my 1967 chevy C-10 (classic truck w/ 3 speed column shifter), I did 98mph and couldn't go no further. I did pedal to metal. The engine wasn't strong enuf to go faster.

So I experience triple digit before I had kids.


lol yea i agree with you about giving up 100 or more mph for kids sakes ! i did 115mph on jetta with 4 friends. oh boy. we had the cars hide and seek games at nights. yes CARS chasing ! that was too dangerous ! seeker with his or her own cars chased one of hiders with their own cars over many miles like 40 to 120 mph in rural roads or subdivisions. too excited but too dangerous !

lol yea i agree with you about giving up 100 or more mph for kids sakes ! i did 115mph on jetta with 4 friends. oh boy. we had the cars hide and seek games at nights. yes CARS chasing ! that was too dangerous ! seeker with his or her own cars chased one of hiders with their own cars over many miles like 40 to 120 mph in rural roads or subdivisions. too excited but too dangerous !

Ouchie LOL.

I bet it's dangerous. Don't see em coming, Crasshhhh LOL. I bet cop would wonder what are heck guys doing out in the rural. I did drove my old car and truck over 95mph on rural road near my old home. Now they took down trees and widened the road and paved it. I was pissed cuz it used to be a "no cop" zone where you can go over the limit without worry while going to or from work. Now cops are everywhere hidden nook and cranny. sucks tho.

I haven't test the trapstser on cellphone. I don't speed like I used to cuz don't want to get speeding tickets and angry wife LOL. My kids have seen me pulled over by cops few times for stop sign and speeding. Luckily, cops let me go after he checked my kids if they wear seatbelts. I told kids don't tell mommy but they told her anyway (Policeman stopped Daddy!!) LOL.
