Translate this, please?


New Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I have NO idea what this guy is saying other than thanks for something... I've tried picking out a sign of his here and there but can't understand most of it... not expecting a translation of the entire video but just give me the "gist" of what he's saying. His e-mail's not listed so I cannot ask him about it. If anyone's patient enough to do me this favor, I'll appreciate it very much. :)

YouTube - Thank you, Gallaudet FSSA
Let me summary translate into English from ASL.

He said, he is very impressed of the faculty team, staffs, students, etc.. protester against new president Jane Fernandes. He is disappointed with the media for the exaggeration with mis-interpreter information about Gallaudet. :pissed: Media made the money to sell the newspaper, TV, etc...

He applause Gallaudent students stay in stronger stand up to fight against the garish media. The protester purpose for their better education, explore and stay stronger Gallaudet for the Deaf World to look at Gallaudet. It is related to the administration problem. He is very disgusted that the media destroy Gallaudent's reputation.

He said, the Deaf World deserve for a better leadership. We cherish Gallaudet. We must stand up and fight for our better future Deaf leadership.
and the last part he want us to look forward for the fall when gallly opens up bascially with our spirit of the deaf up high
Alright, how about this? Last one, I swear!

YouTube - Deaf and English

That lady grows up with Deaf family, friends and school. Her english is high level, she went to the mainstream school. The teachers kept to asking her if she did write that pargraph. She said, yeah and perplexed. Asked the teachers, why they think that writer paper was not from her. Teachers thought someone else did help her to writing the paper. It made her felt lost esteem self. Hearing teachers label the Deaf student as disability. She dislike what other the hearing people perspective at Deaf students who cant write the English because she cant speak. She felt that they put her down as second class citizten. She has enough of the Hearing World look down at the Deaf people because they cant speak or write perfect English language.

It is time for the Hearing people wake up and explose from the Deaf Culture and Language. Deaf considers is not disability. We just can't hear or speak.

We can do anything expect hear.
That lady grows up with Deaf family, friends and school. Her english is high level, she went to the mainstream school. The teachers kept to asking her if she did write that pargraph. She said, yeah and perplexed. Asked the teachers, why they think that writer paper was not from her. Teachers thought someone else did help her to writing the paper. It made her felt lost esteem self. Hearing teachers label the Deaf student as disability. She dislike what other the hearing people perspective at Deaf students who cant write the English because she cant speak. She felt that they put her down as second class citizten. She has enough of the Hearing World look down at the Deaf people because they cant speak or write perfect English language.

This whole post has me shaking my head. :thumbd: How can she be expected to thrive in an enviroment where everyone's expectations of her are so low? That really sucks.

It is time for the Hearing people wake up and explose from the Deaf Culture and Language. Deaf considers is not disability. We just can't hear or speak.

We can do anything expect hear.

Preach, sister.:gpost:
yeah its about being strong and ignoring other people s goal for us we need to stand strong and fart as loud as we can
This whole post has me shaking my head. :thumbd: How can she be expected to thrive in an enviroment where everyone's expectations of her are so low? That really sucks.

I LOVED that blog - perfect!

I admire you society's_child - I'm glad that although you know some sign, you're still eager to understand and you're so open to the different worlds.

That video blog was amazing and perfect in a million ways. I'm so glad you brought that out.
I think the teacher should have believed her. There is no reason not to take her word for it unless she has a habit of lying. However, I do understand why she may have wondered.(But she crossed the line of wondering to not believing her, that part was wrong.) English is a hard language to learn. Ask any other foreign language person. So it's surprising a little at least that she has perfect english skills. However, it certainly not impossible either and the teacher should have put faith in her when she said she did it herself, unless her skills all of the sudden dramatically improved overnight then I would question her too. Deaf doesn't mean stupid and certainly there are deaf that english is their first language but for most deaf english is their second language and as I said english is hard. Someone earlier said deaf just don't speak and hear. I beg to differ, they may not hear, but they speak with their hands. Speaking may to some hardliners indicating using their voice, but I like to think speaking is expressing oneself through language whether it be voicing a language or signing one. Just my two cents.
I LOVED that blog - perfect!

I admire you society's_child - I'm glad that although you know some sign, you're still eager to understand and you're so open to the different worlds.

Why, thank you. :) Very kind of you to say that.

That video blog was amazing and perfect in a million ways. I'm so glad you brought that out.

I didn't even know what she was saying either, lol! Happy you appreciated it.