Toddler left in corn maze!


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Mother questioned by child welfare officials after 3-year-old boy was left at West Jordan corn maze

The mother of a 3-year-old boy left behind in a corn maze apparently has some explaining to do to state child protective services officials.

West Jordan police Sgt. Joe Monson said that the child was noticed by a woman visiting the Crazy Corn Maze, at 8800 S. 4000 West, about 7:30 p.m. Monday.

Police were called to the scene, and after failing to find the boy’s mother or learn his identity, he was put in the safe-keeping of the Utah Division of Child and Family Services overnight.

“At 7:42 a.m. today, the mother woke up and noticed he was missing. She realized she may have left him at the corn maze and called us,” Monson said.

DCFS told police to refer the mother to them, and that she would have to come in and answer some questions before the boy could be returned.

The rest of the story:
Wife and MIL left our new born son in the car while shopping at Walmart. No harm, no foul. Shit happens.
Reminds me of the story of the father who kicked his toddler outside because she wouldn't drink her 2 or 3 AM? They're still looking for her, although it's likely he killed her and just made this story up. Some people should just be sterilized.

Wife and MIL left our new born son in the car while shopping at Walmart. No harm, no foul. Shit happens.

Yep. I did it as well, but in a parking lot.
I mean, I left a little boy behind. We came back, but shit is not too strong a term when that happens.
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I can't imagine what's going on through this poor child's mind. He must have been so frightened. There is not much info on a child's parents. I'd rather to wait for more details. I suspect it was alcohol involved since this corn maze area is family friendly plus it's Utah with strict alcohol laws.
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Accidentally leaving a kid behind for a short period is one thing but not noticing the child's absence for 12 hours is another. Mom didn't notice there was no kid to get ready for bed or feed breakfast to in the morning?
I can't imagine what's going on through this poor child's mind. He must have been so frightened. There is not much info on a child's parents. I'd rather to wait for more details.
The sentence I quoted came directly from the article. I went to another board and checked out the talk about it, and found a thread on the article. The first two posters thought polyg. Nearly all the others talked about too many children. Only one suggested alcohol, and if I remember right, does not know much about Utah culture. Most members of that board live in Utah.
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Of course that has nothing to do with this thread.
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My guess is narcotics or alcohol was involved, being that it was Utah my guess would benarcotics. Hopefully the courts will be smart enough to put the kid into the home of a responsible relative or foster care.
My guess is narcotics or alcohol was involved, being that it was Utah my guess would benarcotics. Hopefully the courts will be smart enough to put the kid into the home of a responsible relative or foster care.

My mind reels with sarcastic replies.
The sentence I quoted came directly from the article. I went to another board and checked out the talk about it, and found a thread on the article. The first two posters thought polyg. Nearly all the others talked about too many children. Only one, if I remember right, does not know much about Utah culture. Most members of that board live in Utah.

I have LDS relatives in Utah and Idaho. My half brothers are direct descendants of a cousin of Joseph Smith. They are not active and don't agree with Mormon culture in Utah. I know many cheesy LDS terms like jack mormon, peter priesthood guys and molly mormon girls.

If a child came from polygamy family, they may be FLDS or belong to some small organized group.

If parents have too many children, they may feel pressured constantly to be "perfect" at church If they are LDS. Many LDS members can't help being compared to other LDS members because they look good with many children and all that. The depression and pressure are a big problem over there. The report I read a couple of months ago is that prescription drug abuse is number one in Utah.
I have LDS relatives in Utah and Idaho. My half brothers are direct descendants of a cousin of Joseph Smith. They are not active and don't agree with Mormon culture in Utah. I know many cheesy LDS terms like jack mormon, peter priesthood guys and molly mormon girls
Sorry, the lack of logic in the alcohol sentence of your previous post didn't seem to be sarcasm. They do tend to use/abuse meds to substitute for alcohol. I lived among them for years, and am now grateful that the town I live in now is primarily Catholic, Lutheran, and unchurched. You probably know where I went to get reactions to the article.
Sorry, the lack of logic in the alcohol sentence of your previous post didn't seem to be sarcasm. They do tend to use/abuse meds to substitute for alcohol. I lived among them for years, and am now grateful that the town I live in now is primarily Catholic, Lutheran, and unchurched. You probably know where I went to get reactions to the article.

Ah, you used to live in Utah? Many LDS members turn to something else that work for them as long as they don't violate WOW (word of wisdom), and other laws, but something else will always go wrong like abuse meds and too much soda.

LDS members don't drink coffee, but they have to depend on Mountain Dew and Coke instead and they're not good for their health. Recently, BYU decided to allow soda at their campus to keep students alert. I heard many BYU students are petitioning to convince BYU to change the policy to allow men keep their beards.

Many men and women fall asleep at Sacrament meeting, Priesthood and Relief Society classes napping and snoring. All the time! Three hours of church on Sunday plus callings, LDS activities and visiting teaching and teachers are taking up too much of their times. They're always tired and stressed out. It's not healthy.

LDS single wards are brutal. They stab each other in the backs. Many single LDS members are into NCMO (it stands for Non-Committal Make Out.) without violating the law of chastity. I have a friend who is into NCMO and loves every minute of it. Sorry for derailing the thread.

anyway, let's go back to this original topic.