Today's the day!!


New Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Hey guys. Today's the day! I thought I don't go in til 2 pm to meet with the surgeon but they called around 9:30 am, asking me to come in by 12:15!!! So, I'm getting ready to leave... very nervous! Will update yall when I get back! :D

Wish me luck that my CAT scan goes & the meeting with the surgeon goes fabulous! :D
Wishing you all the best...keep us AD'ers posted! ;)

Hiya! Here's the update. I met the surgeon and he looked at my ears, eyes, nose, throat & had me to walk & do a few things to check my balance & then we continued chatting and he said he doesn't see a reason NOT to do my CI. So, he left & someone from the front desk scheduled my surgery for May 17th!

I go back to the hospital on April 4th for the Cat Scan at 8:30 pm. Then they will call my husband [as he is hearing] and talk to him during the pre op surgery interview, meaning they'll check in to see if I've been sick, answer any questions we may have, and just bascially talk to us about what to do the night before surgery & stuff. Then they will call us again on May 16th to let us know what time to be at the hospital the next day, the 17th & to remind me not to eat/drink anything as of midnight May 17th except I am allowed to continue taking my regular medications w/ a small sip of water.

So now I'm to wait 7 wks til surgery & 10-11 wks til activation. My audi will decide wheter to do it at 3 wks or 4 wks depending on how well I heal! I hope she does it at 3 wks as that's just before my daughter's kindergarten grraduation even though I'll be hearing things weirdly but I'd still have m left ear [hearing aid] to hear at the graduation. :]

Wooohoooooooooooo. :]
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Way to go! Betcha you're extremely excited and anxious for the day to arrive! Good to know you had a great day today-- ;)

Best wishes to you, and I hope all goes well with your surgery! :)
Thank you everyone!!!

Could someone do an update on the CI surgery & activation calander? I'd like to see if there's anyone else having CI surgery & being activated around the same time as me! :]
That is really exciting news!
What level is your hearing now? (I'm begining to look into cochlear implants...)
That is really exciting news!
What level is your hearing now? (I'm begining to look into cochlear implants...)

I am severely-profounded Deaf. Have been since birth, I was a "Rubella baby" :/

With hearing aids, it seemed like I was "Hard of Hearing" because of how well I hear w/ my hearing aids & talked really well, thanks to the yrs of speech classes.

But now I'm unable to wear a HA in my rt ear - you can read other threads by me to see why & stuff. My left ear, I still wear HA & 1/2 of the time I'm doing fine with it, as long as I'm at home & not watching TV or doing anything. Cause I suffer from Tinnitus & it gets so bad, to the point where I cannot understand nor barely hear people talking. :/ It all started last summer, which is why I'm now getting a CI for the right ear as I have nothing to lose out of that ear, altho I am not quite happy w/ the fact that I'll lose my resdul hearing but since I can't wear a HA, what the hell is the point? Yanno?

Good luck on your journey on CI candidacy! :)
Keep me updated, pls!
how old are you? what made you decide to get an CI? What kind of medical insurance are you using for the coverage?

I'm considering looking into getting a CI... an ENT even suggested why dont I look into it.

I've considered the probablity of getting it, but I'm not sure since I don't have the support I was expecting from family and friends, and I'm not sure if I'm eligible to qualify for a CI, much less have the insurance to cover the whole thing.
how old are you? what made you decide to get an CI? What kind of medical insurance are you using for the coverage?

I'm 28. I believe I've said my story in other threads made me, do a search. If for some reason I didn't do a background on my hearing history, lettme know & I'll happily tell. As for insurance, I have HAP for now & they're covering the whole thing, minus the $250 copay, which my husband is more than happy to pay for if it means his wife has a chance of hearing him & our children. *smile*

What made me get a CI - I believe my threads also explained this too - if not let me know and I wil explain why I've decided to go forward with the CI surgery.

My surgery is all set up for May 17th. I just have to get the CAT scan this Weds then just count the days down til surgery & then the activation date! :]

Please feel free to talk to me thru here or PM if you ever have questions or want to chat. :]

I'm considering looking into getting a CI... an ENT even suggested why dont I look into it.

It wouldn't hurt to go ahead & have a CI evaluation & see if you're a candidate. You can also look up your insurance's plan or even call up your insurance & ask them if they'd cover the surgery & the MAPpings.

Good luck & please keep me updated!
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I just got out of the CI surgery today April 3rd. All went well.

I am totally deaf from the right side... and if I gain 50% on the right side is 50% more hearing. I use a HA on the left.

Again congrats!

Deafmama78- Thanks for answering my question. I'm currently a "borderline" candidate (I understand too much speech to meet my insurance requirements. I never thought that understanding only 60% of words at 95db would be "too good" for anything.) You must be really excited. When do you get turned on? Also, you must have been at the tail end of the Rubella epidemics because I'm not much younger than you (I'm 21) and nobody from my deaf elementary school had hearing loss caused by congenital Rubella. We were all meningitis, connexin 26, or Waardenburg kids.

John- You just got out of surgery TODAY and you are already up and on the computer? Wow. The surgery must not be that bad. But relax and enjoy the vicodan.
John- You just got out of surgery TODAY and you are already up and on the computer? Wow. The surgery must not be that bad. But relax and enjoy the vicodan.

CI surgeries are normally done as day surgery. I'm not sure however if I would have been rushing to the computer right after I woke up (mine was an afternoon surgery). I felt quite nauseated and groggy from the general anaesthetic for a good 2 hours. However, by the morning I felt normal again (apart from the soreness and numbness around the incision) and was flying high. That's when I came back to AD to post my own update.