To Vegetarians, do you feed your kids meat?

I would like to see the evidence to back the amount of protien in spinach being the same as beef, and the china diet aswell, if you have any references to either of these then i would like to see them, I am a nutritionist, and do not believe a doctor would turn vegan because he believed it was healthy after reading a diet, he is a doctor so therefor will deal with vegans and vegetarians who are malnurished ALOT, he is also pretty intelligent, being a doctor requires that of him so he wouldnt be easily fooled. I have researched the effects of being vegan and vegetarian on the human body for over 15 years and all studies have shown contradictory results more so in vegans than vegetarians. There are reports of this all over the internet but if you want to see my studies you will have to PM me.
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I am a vegetarian for 20 years. I do eat fish and eggs once a while because of the protein. But, I NEVER eat meats that come from a friendly cow or chicken. My health condition is very good. You know that cows never kill humans for centuries. Isn't that irony?

Being a vegan, it is very difficult to bring up this issue. I am being to understand why it is important to be a vegan. I am not ready to change it. I have seen a very few people who are a full vegan that look thin and still healthy which is hard for me to believe it. They are very happy with their lifestyle.

You said about the people are malnourished. That's almost true AND most not true. I am aware of that because some people who want to become a vegetarian for the first time. They made some mistakes what to eat and do not eat. I can't detail what food they should have. It is a long one.

Did you know that red meat is spoiled? A lot of people did not know that because of the chemical in them at the factory for the preservation. Eating a meat in your stomach spoils less than a few hours. That's why it is dangerous. The spoiled meat produces a lot of acid in order to kill the bacteria inside the meat. If you see a meat that looks like a little gray, it is definitely rotten - you should never eat the gray meats.

If you eat a lot of meat everyday, it builds up acids in your stomach that leads a stomach problem for example of a colon cancer. I am sure that you don't eat it everyday. The acids from the meat and our body has own acids are dangerous which build up too much acid in our body. That's why 50/50 chance to get infected or not.

Are you aware of the cows were shaved off the skin thru the blade machines awhile they were alive at the slaughter factories? They screamed and cried. Some of them were still alive after the skin peels were off. It was really horrible. I saw it in the movie (of course, not from a theater). It means nothing to you. But, you have to think that you are a cow at the factory. That makes you shock and panic-emotional. It is really very very hard for you to understand what is really happening in the reality because you are busy things to do at work and home, and you really don't think about the cow farms at the same time. I need to stop writing my post.

I hope that you would try to become a vegetarian instead of vegan. Try to attend a good vegetarian conference. You will find some amazing natural foods there. I think that you will enjoy a lot. I understand that it is very difficult for you to change your lifestyle. I am not going to stop you. Please don't argue with people about both sides.
I would like to see the evidence to back the amount of protien in spinach being the same as beef, and the china diet aswell, if you have any references to either of these then i would like to see them, I am a nutritionist, and do not believe a doctor would turn vegan because he believed it was healthy after reading a diet, he is a doctor so therefor will deal with vegans and vegetarians who are malnurished ALOT, he is also pretty intelligent, being a doctor requires that of him so he wouldnt be easily fooled. I have researched the effects of being vegan and vegetarian on the human body for over 15 years and all studies have shown contradictory results more so in vegans than vegetarians. There are reports of this all over the internet but if you want to see my studies you will have to PM me.

Members can't send you an PM until you got 50 posts, then your PM will be active.
If I had kids and were a vegetarian, I'd have to consult with their doctors to make sure a vegetarian diet would be safe for them at that age.

I rarely eat meat, but I do eat meat once in a while. I just don't feel like it most of the times. It is terrible how animals are treated before they are processed into meat. I think organic and free range meat are great.
i knew a woman once who dated a guy and had a kid together. She was a strict vegan, but he wasnt. They argued constantly over it, it was so ridiculous. Anyway, the kid grew up eating meat until they split up in which naturally she started him on a 100% vegan diet at age 6. Anyway i knew her through work (the father was my friend too) but we said hello once or twice whenever. One day my friend had the kid and he came over my pad. I was feeling mcdonalds around lunchtime sooo i went there. I bought the kid a happy meal and the kid looked like he was in heaven. Ate that shit up in like 5 bites. Of course he brought the toy from the box home and told the mother who called me like right then and there and pretty much wanted to bitch me out for it. I told her to just let the kid decide what he wants to eat, im not gonna force tofu down his throat when ive never touched the nasty stuff in like forever. LOL It was just a kids cheeseburger, and it was like i fed him toxic waste on a bun. Fucking twat, i never talked to her again after that and i refuse to date a vegan, i dont care if youre elisha cuthbert.
i knew a woman once who dated a guy and had a kid together. She was a strict vegan, but he wasnt. They argued constantly over it, it was so ridiculous. Anyway, the kid grew up eating meat until they split up in which naturally she started him on a 100% vegan diet at age 6. Anyway i knew her through work (the father was my friend too) but we said hello once or twice whenever. One day my friend had the kid and he came over my pad. I was feeling mcdonalds around lunchtime sooo i went there. I bought the kid a happy meal and the kid looked like he was in heaven. Ate that shit up in like 5 bites. Of course he brought the toy from the box home and told the mother who called me like right then and there and pretty much wanted to bitch me out for it. I told her to just let the kid decide what he wants to eat, im not gonna force tofu down his throat when ive never touched the nasty stuff in like forever. LOL It was just a kids cheeseburger, and it was like i fed him toxic waste on a bun. Fucking twat, i never talked to her again after that and i refuse to date a vegan, i dont care if youre elisha cuthbert.

I can understand that. It's up to him if he likes to eat meats or veggies. He could have both foods. Yes, it is very different between vegetarian and vegan. I think that being a vegetarian would be good for his health.
:roll: and :fu2:




But seriously, I can't be one of you girls. I'm allergic to soy.

Everything bascially has soy in it and i can't eat it. So it's old school meals for me.

Meat, potatoes, and of course CORN.

I believe that Vegetarians poop more than Carnivores cause fibers > proteins.



But seriously, I can't be one of you girls. I'm allergic to soy.

Everything bascially has soy in it and i can't eat it. So it's old school meals for me.

Meat, potatoes, and of course CORN.

I believe that Vegetarians poop more than Carnivores cause fibers > proteins.

Of course, it is supposed to poop more than meats which is really natural and normal.

Ninety percent of corn farms contain generic engineering (GE). Many farmers know that a natural corn taste far delicious than GE's corn. It is so hard to find a real corn nowadays because the bitch monsanto company has no right to interfere our food. That should leave us alone to choose what we want to eat without the GE. Many farmers made a grave mistake because they signed a Monsanto's contract. In fact, many countries do not have GE's corn. Some other GE foods secretly already put on the market in Europe a couple of years ago. It is a long story.

I feel sorry for you that you are allergic to soy. I'll find out if there are some non-soy foods for you to try out. I personally don't like to see soy on the ingredients in almost all food products. Almost all food products also contain corn in them. For example, most cows eat corns. Your children drink the corn milk. :-o

Liza lives in another country, and you could ask her whether she knows the corn in her country. I don't know if she moved back here. Maybe, an alien from the sky put her in the wrong place by a mistake. I dunno.
Cow eat corn = Corn milk? Illogical. I think you need to re-educate yourself.

If you put milk and corn syrup tog, that's corn milk alright. But if a cow eats W.E, from grass to poop, it'll still be milk, why?

Cows eat their meal more than 5 times, meaning, the food goes in mouth then stomach then mouth then stomach then mouth then stomach. So it's impossible for cow to eat corn to produce corn milk.

I prefer fat free milk. Man you can gain a lot of weight from just drinking milk.
Cows and horses eat corn (fodder). Fodder is the corn stalks including any ears of corn left on at the end of the season. The other type of corn is the soft yellow corn on the cob that we eat - I was told that the size of the corn plant is short for people corn and horse-corn is very tall. It is more natural for cows to just eat grass but farmer feed them corn to make them fatter faster.

Mad cow disease happens when farmers feed cows dead ground up cows in with their other food. We are not sure if they are still using that in the U.S.A. It should be illegal. A few months ago, people from South Korea, Canada, and other countries demanded to ban U.S.A. meats in their country, and it was not successful. (They were afraid to eat our beef.)

Children drink milk from a cow that ate corn which contains generically modified (or GE). That is the problem.

A famous man who owned a large cow farm became a vegetarian. His name is Howard Lyman. Google his name and see what comes up. His story is amazing.

Another story: Dirty Secrets of the Food Processing Industry (Too long story)

Liza - I remember you wrote something on your post that you like a fake sugar, and it does affect your health. Here is the link: Aspartame: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
Well, damn.

But that doesn't stop me from eating meat and drinking milk, fat free.

Perhaps, you should tell me that people died from it, I might stop.
cool Kait.

buffalo, 2 people got in trouble for giving their baby soy milk only, the baby died. 2 people are in jail for endangerment or reckless. Baby needed
cow milk or breast milk because of vitamins, calcium, and whatever in the milk the baby need.

Did parents got in trouble for giving their baby a soy milik and the baby died?? :confused: Soy milk is good for health. I saw the baby's formula with soy labels because they can't drink a cow milk until get big as toddler age.

I watched a Wife Swap for Vegetarian Family and Hunting for Meat family. The Vegan woman is very insane and against people to kill the animal for eat a meat. She is eating a sun every in the morning. She forced to her daughter to eat a vegan not a meat. She controlled to her husband to eat a vegan. She feed a organ to cat. She is very control!

I will not push my kids to not eat a meats. They need a meats for protein to be strong. But I have to handle with my future kids' diet. I don't want they to be fat and craving for sugar.

I don't like to drink cow's milk. It make me diarrhea and cramp for PMS. I always drink a Silk Soymilk. I am not a Vegan or Vegetarian. I can eat vegetable, Fruits and meats like normal. I always prefer eat a chicken than a hamburger and steak. I can eat a steak for once time in a year.
Meat's company must put FDA approve before delivery to groceries.

Cows and horses eat corn (fodder). Fodder is the corn stalks including any ears of corn left on at the end of the season. The other type of corn is the soft yellow corn on the cob that we eat - I was told that the size of the corn plant is short for people corn and horse-corn is very tall. It is more natural for cows to just eat grass but farmer feed them corn to make them fatter faster.

Mad cow disease happens when farmers feed cows dead ground up cows in with their other food. We are not sure if they are still using that in the U.S.A. It should be illegal. A few months ago, people from South Korea, Canada, and other countries demanded to ban U.S.A. meats in their country, and it was not successful. (They were afraid to eat our beef.)

Children drink milk from a cow that ate corn which contains generically modified (or GE). That is the problem.

A famous man who owned a large cow farm became a vegetarian. His name is Howard Lyman. Google his name and see what comes up. His story is amazing.

Another story: Dirty Secrets of the Food Processing Industry (Too long story)

Liza - I remember you wrote something on your post that you like a fake sugar, and it does affect your health. Here is the link: Aspartame: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You



But seriously, I can't be one of you girls. I'm allergic to soy.

Everything bascially has soy in it and i can't eat it. So it's old school meals for me.

Meat, potatoes, and of course CORN.

I believe that Vegetarians poop more than Carnivores cause fibers > proteins.

I had an ulcerative colitis last January. I'm allergy to lettuce, cabbage, and romaine. Because it's hard to digestive cause diarrhea. After I got out of hospital. The dietitian lady gave me a nutrition for my diet. I can't eat broccoli, potatoes, celergy, tomato with seeds, strawberries, and all berries with seeds, beans, pineapple, and dairy product. I used a lactose free for cheese, sour cream and butter. I had to eat 10 grams of fiber in a day until I get healed and better now. I can eat anything i want. I have to be careful with fibers grams. I have to avoid high fiber like 9 to 12 grams for one piece.
I am not argue with you. Don't you mind can I ask you a question? How did you become vegetarian cause from? Why did you decide to be a vegetarian? Do you allergy to red meat? How about eat a chicken?

I am a vegetarian for 20 years. I do eat fish and eggs once a while because of the protein. But, I NEVER eat meats that come from a friendly cow or chicken. My health condition is very good. You know that cows never kill humans for centuries. Isn't that irony?

Being a vegan, it is very difficult to bring up this issue. I am being to understand why it is important to be a vegan. I am not ready to change it. I have seen a very few people who are a full vegan that look thin and still healthy which is hard for me to believe it. They are very happy with their lifestyle.

You said about the people are malnourished. That's almost true AND most not true. I am aware of that because some people who want to become a vegetarian for the first time. They made some mistakes what to eat and do not eat. I can't detail what food they should have. It is a long one.

Did you know that red meat is spoiled? A lot of people did not know that because of the chemical in them at the factory for the preservation. Eating a meat in your stomach spoils less than a few hours. That's why it is dangerous. The spoiled meat produces a lot of acid in order to kill the bacteria inside the meat. If you see a meat that looks like a little gray, it is definitely rotten - you should never eat the gray meats.

If you eat a lot of meat everyday, it builds up acids in your stomach that leads a stomach problem for example of a colon cancer. I am sure that you don't eat it everyday. The acids from the meat and our body has own acids are dangerous which build up too much acid in our body. That's why 50/50 chance to get infected or not.

Are you aware of the cows were shaved off the skin thru the blade machines awhile they were alive at the slaughter factories? They screamed and cried. Some of them were still alive after the skin peels were off. It was really horrible. I saw it in the movie (of course, not from a theater). It means nothing to you. But, you have to think that you are a cow at the factory. That makes you shock and panic-emotional. It is really very very hard for you to understand what is really happening in the reality because you are busy things to do at work and home, and you really don't think about the cow farms at the same time. I need to stop writing my post.

I hope that you would try to become a vegetarian instead of vegan. Try to attend a good vegetarian conference. You will find some amazing natural foods there. I think that you will enjoy a lot. I understand that it is very difficult for you to change your lifestyle. I am not going to stop you. Please don't argue with people about both sides.