'tis I!


New Member
Jun 13, 2006
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I am Murasaki. I live in Indiana, USA. i love learning languages, and the first language that i ever studied (although only very informally studied) was ASL. i've always been into deaf culture and the likes and it turns out studying ASL has prooved useful:
i've been attending a church whose congregation is mostly deaf. it has been a lot of fun :) and i'm a bit hard of hearing. so i'm becoming more and more knowledgable in ASL and deaf culture :)

as for having problems hearing, i've just dealt with it all my life and annoyed everyone around me by constantly asking them to repeat themselves. and i'm going off to university in august, so i'm making in appointment with a doc to see what i can do to help me succeed at school (parents said "better get on dean's list" and kinda glared at me). so i was surfing the net and decided that a Deaf forum would be a lot of fun and a good place to learn :)

hello, Friends.
G'day Murasaki,
Welcome to AD. Hope you'll enjoy your visit here. Have fun learning ASL. :)
Cheers :wave:
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Murasaki! It's good to see that you're enjoy being involved within the Deaf community and wishes you much success, great learning experiences at the university you'll be attending this fall and regardless whether you make the dean's list or not, being yourself and accomplishing what you're able to makes all the more the difference. ;)

Anyhow, hope you will enjoy your stay here in AD! :)