

New Member
May 24, 2011
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I wasn't sure where to put this thread- hopefully here is okay! :)

I was just wondering, who else here has tinnitus? Is there anything you do or use to help deal with it?
Hi! Many here do, including myself.

We have had many threads on this subject. If you do a search for it on this site, you'll find tons of useful information! :)
I suffer from very loud tinnitus.

Like you I found that it's not clear where to put a tinnitus thread. I ended up posting my tinnitus thread in the Miscellaneous section:
Miscellaneous > Lifestyle, Health, Fitness & Food > How do you cope with LOUD tinnitus at night?

There are a number of other threads that I've come across which mention tinnitus. Often I find tinnitus is talked about within a larger thread discussing a different topic. The best way to find these is to use the 'Search' facility, but you may want to expand on just "tinnitus" as that will throw up hundred of results!

In terms of how I deal with tinnitus, my main strategy is to distract my brain. I drown the annoying noises by listening to music or do something I find fascinating, such as watching a good film. It's not enough to not pay attention to the tinnitus (a NEGATIVE instruction), I have to substitute it with a POSITIVE action/thought.
The majority of the tinnitus-related threads are in the Hearing Aids/Cochlear Implant section. (Even though not all people who suffer from tinnitus wear HAs or CIs.)
I have it, but could never figure out why I have it. I get a ringing sound in my ear every waking moment of my day and like AJ said distractions helps sometimes. Mine can go from a low to a high pitch tone from time to time. Very annoying to go through.
The 13-year cicadas are out in force now around here. I understand their chirpings are LOUD and my hearing friends constantly complain about them. One told me that she can hear them now and I teased her about having a permanent case of tinnitus. :lol: