
dead money

New Member
Jun 12, 2008
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Does anyone ever suffer from this to the point of wanting to stab your ears with a knife?

Ive had it all my life, yet lately its just gotten worse and worse for whatever reason.... really affecting my hearing. I can accept the fact as you get older in life you may lose your hearing or whatever, but not right now..... im still a spring chicken after all ;)
yes! I know the feeling! I have severe tinnitus and i cope but sometimes i want to rip my ears off! lol my ears roar sometimes..and i dunno how old u are but i am only 19! lol...i get frusterated too! lol
yes! I know the feeling! I have severe tinnitus and i cope but sometimes i want to rip my ears off! lol my ears roar sometimes..and i dunno how old u are but i am only 19! lol...i get frusterated too! lol

well im 32, and all through my life ive retained my hearing in my right ear and ive had tinnitus but it for the most part was very mild. But after a couple ear infections i had 2 years ago it comes and goes (tinnitus) like really bad, really loud then kind of dies down. Supposedly theres nothing you can do about it which makes it frustrating.... at least i dont know what to do about it. Supposedly i was told its an earwax thing or simply your eardrum is dying. I dont know but youre right when u say it fucking sucks, cuz it does.
dead money,

I have -- immediately after both of my CI surgeries.

In fact, the tinnitus was so severe (and LOUD) that I begged my surgeon to give me something that would stop it.

Unfortunately, there's no treatment for tinnitus, but he did prescribe Prednisone for me which I refused to take due to the possible side effects of depression and mood swings -- something I already have problems with because of my Bipolar.

My tinnitus alternated between 8 different sounds. Just when I became used to one sound, it would change to another. It was awful.

Fortunately, (in both cases) my tinnitus gradually improved 6-8 months post activation. I now only have trouble with mild to moderate tinnitus which represents itself as an alternating high/medium/low pitched ringing sound.
'serc' is a great tablets to take for severe tinnitus - actually its for meneir'e disease but my symtops of imbalance/vomiting isnt apparently just the tinntius but a really bad one
'serc' is a great tablets to take for severe tinnitus - actually its for meneir'e disease but my symtops of imbalance/vomiting isnt apparently just the tinntius but a really bad one

I wish I would have known about serc when I had severe tinnitus following both of my CI surgeries. I'm surprised my CI surgeon never mentioned serc. :hmm:
so did i, i had to wait till almost after 2 years of suffering..!! i have no bloody idea why they never mentioned it either!!!, and erm, apparently its not FDA-approved, it was but was taken off their list 'for reason its doesnt work on 'everybody', works on some individual - i would say every tinnitus symptoms is not from the same 'reasons' , like blindness or poor eyesight comes from various medical reasons. Strangely I would argue FDA would approve it if it worked for most people without any arbitrary effects EVEN if it has some really nasty side effects. Afterall FDA does not really care about the side effects, just what seems to the economic factor deemed as 'effective' medication. my arse , rolls my eyes.
but yeah serc helps me. its proper medical name for it is Betahistine Dihydrochloride (18mg) i take it 3-4 times a day with food, up to 4 time if it's insistent. i began taking those at 2 times a day, then i consulted to see i fi can take more, since the tinnitus flunctuates quite abit.

then again your doctor probably knew about it, but since you're already taking other meds for other medical issues, it probably might not be compatiable. So just ask them if you're not sure.

Your mileage may vary and best of luck
then again your doctor probably knew about it, but since you're already taking other meds for other medical issues, it probably might not be compatiable. So just ask them if you're not sure.

that's true. i am on quite a few different meds, so that probably explains why he didn't mention it.
'serc' is a great tablets to take for severe tinnitus - actually its for meneir'e disease but my symtops of imbalance/vomiting isnt apparently just the tinntius but a really bad one

umm i will check out about serc for my husband. He got a CI and still got bad tinnitus anyway.
My mother has it bad. she can't stay in a room without a noise or her ear hurts with the ringing in a quiet room.