Tinnitus is starting bother me

Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

The professional you need to be consulting is an AuD. audiologist, not a family GP/PCP dr.

Standard doctors not only don't have the proper training to identify and address hearing loss and tinnitus ... They also don't have the machines / diagnostic equiptment to even perform proper testing.

that's true. he tested my hearing using some handheld thing, and i could hear him press the button, so it wasn't like i had to guess when the sound was starting. i recently switched jobs though, so it's going to be a while until i have health insurance again :/ unfortunately. i've been looking for places that will take patients without insurance without charging me through the nose
Caffeine, stress, loud noises are triggers for mine. It usually isn't bad. If I stop drinking caffeine, turn off my hearing aid, etc, it will usually go away within a minute to a half hour. It's usually the same ear: my left ear.

I've noticed it happens more often with vented ear molds, not sure why. Maybe the environmental sounds (traffic, etc) triggers it more? And maybe non-vented ear molds keep those sounds out more. No idea.
First night in over 6 months without tinnitus, and I couldn't fall asleep. Irony.
^^ you must have been enjoying the silence too much

Hahaha! If only! You would think that with all that lack of "woosh" that I'd sleep like a baby, but no. It ended up getting louder when it did come back. So instead of it sounding like the normal just "woosh woosh woosh" it sounds like there's an angry swarm of bees constantly droning behind it
When Im drivin durin summer time, I like to take my hearin aid off and have the window down unless it's heat wave..My left ear have minor tinnitus..wind and air help ease my tinnitus which is nice. I drive on country rds.
When Im drivin durin summer time, I like to take my hearin aid off and have the window down unless it's heat wave..My left ear have minor tinnitus..wind and air help ease my tinnitus which is nice. I drive on country rds.

Water eases pressure in my ear when I'm feeling it get stuffy. Lately, there's been no pressure though, which is nice.