Times you Disliked Being Deaf/HOH


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Mostly I like being deaf. It's who I am. Won't change it! But I remember times as a kid I hate it! I wish be hearie.

In grade 6, my class have Christmas show for parents. Everyone sing carols mix in with play. I get part of family dog! All I do is lay on stage in dog position. Dog didnt even do anything. Dog part same as lamp or wall. Just there. I think this horrible!! I want real part! I think "if I weren't Deaf this would not happen"...then I wish for hearing so I can be like Stacie and Erica, wearing pretty dresses and dancing/singing for everyone. Instead I wear tail and poofy ears.

How about you?
Mostly I like being deaf. It's who I am. Won't change it! But I remember times as a kid I hate it! I wish be hearie.

In grade 6, my class have Christmas show for parents. Everyone sing carols mix in with play. I get part of family dog! All I do is lay on stage in dog position. Dog didnt even do anything. Dog part same as lamp or wall. Just there. I think this horrible!! I want real part! I think "if I weren't Deaf this would not happen"...then I wish for hearing so I can be like Stacie and Erica, wearing pretty dresses and dancing/singing for everyone. Instead I wear tail and poofy ears.

How about you?

I was supposed to be in a part of a play. Mind you I was the blonde kid who had short curly puff ball hair with thick glasses...... I was supposed to be a doll of some sort. I tried the beautiful blue dress on and jaws were dropping when they saw the kid who was the nerd of the group, who wore hearing aids, who never could fit in... turned into a beautiful princess right there. The next day was the play and I was so excited....

Unfortunately, I had a bad fever then..... so I couldn't go and play the part. I cried and cried for hours I wanted to play it so badly! But I will always remember the looks I got when I turned from the ugly duckling to a swan.

So, to answer your question, I'd say throughout my school years.
Mostly I like being deaf. It's who I am. Won't change it! But I remember times as a kid I hate it! I wish be hearie.

In grade 6, my class have Christmas show for parents. Everyone sing carols mix in with play. I get part of family dog! All I do is lay on stage in dog position. Dog didnt even do anything. Dog part same as lamp or wall. Just there. I think this horrible!! I want real part! I think "if I weren't Deaf this would not happen"...then I wish for hearing so I can be like Stacie and Erica, wearing pretty dresses and dancing/singing for everyone. Instead I wear tail and poofy ears.

How about you?

Same what PFH. *cringe* :(

I dont remember if I wish I were hearie or dislike being Deaf. Sorry not to share this.
Mostly I like being deaf. It's who I am. Won't change it! But I remember times as a kid I hate it! I wish be hearie.

In grade 6, my class have Christmas show for parents. Everyone sing carols mix in with play. I get part of family dog! All I do is lay on stage in dog position. Dog didnt even do anything. Dog part same as lamp or wall. Just there. I think this horrible!! I want real part! I think "if I weren't Deaf this would not happen"...then I wish for hearing so I can be like Stacie and Erica, wearing pretty dresses and dancing/singing for everyone. Instead I wear tail and poofy ears.

How about you?

*wince* :kiss:

I can't stand it when the Deaf are made to feel invisible!

I have too many times to mention.
About the only time I whine about being deaf is when I am out of HA batteries and need go buy some. :|
About the only time I whine about being deaf is when I am out of HA batteries and need go buy some. :|

For me it's when I need to make a phone call then I would bitch a little about the inconvenience of deafness. I hate the Bell Relay Service with a passion.
For me it's when I need to make a phone call then I would bitch a little about the inconvenience of deafness. I hate the Bell Relay Service with a passion.

When I have to use relay service, it's one of the few times that I wish I could hear. People hang up on me when they learn I'm using relay.
Mostly it was all through my growing up. Now, it's mainly when I have to take MIL on errands. She talks and talks and talks and I only read lips, but not when I am driving. We have been having construction like crazy and rainy weather here and there. I have to pay attention to the road and not her and we tell her over and over and still she doesn't get it.
When I have to use relay service, it's one of the few times that I wish I could hear. People hang up on me when they learn I'm using relay.

I hate when I am put on hold and I have listen to that horrible beeping sound over and over! It kills my ear! I can only wear a HA in my left ear.
I have accepted the fact that I am deaf and I'm proud of it. But there are times when I wish I was a hearie.

I hate the fact that I get left out in conversations alot, When I ask somebody what he or she is saying, they would say nevermind, and i know alot of us hates that word, but sometimes they don't understand how much I'm actually missing out on.

I also hate the fact that when I'm at rehearsal, they're giving out instructions and I can't understand them, and some of my friends knows ASL. But today, my good friend who was very helpful wasn't at practice today due to her sister leaving for college, another guy in my section knows ASL but was giving me an attitude with me not being able to understand what was going on.

I don't like how I feel invisible sometimes. with communication between my hearing friends and myself. I basically sit in my chair quiet while my hearing friends are talking, i just basically gave up on trying to talk to them in a noisy environment and won't really repeat themselves. Its hard to try and follow with what they're saying 30% of the time.

But i'm glad that I have a deaf family and my own family who would cheer me up and get me back into a good mood after having a frustrating day. That's something I always look forward to at the end of the day :)
Times I wish I was hearing is when I'm with friends and unable to keep up with conversation. Other time is to listen to music as intended.
Unlike some of the above posters re: Relay Service-711 my actual experience is very different. I have used them since January 1996 right to this day.
Right from the start-when it was part of Bell Canada- found the Relay operators helpful I got to know many of them by name not just their 4 digit numbers.

Even though I do have a Cochlear Implant- A B-can't hear anyone speaking thus continue using my UltraTec 1140 VCO. I am aware that some Implant persons can use a regular phone. I can't.

I am aware they are in Kitchener & Quebec City now.

Why such disparate reactions from some users?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Sometimes I wish I had super power hearing, and eyes on the back of my head... To keep my kids in line.

They used to believe my hearing aids were my super power device to hear things that most people can't......and that I had eyes on the back of my head. Now they are older... :( They do not seem to believe me anymore. :giggle:
Many of you may hate my response BUT its who I am

I hate everything about my personal deafness, after 21 years of hearing and going deaf in mere months Im horribly PO'd.
when my recent boss who fired me said I needed to listen better and was angry cuz I didn't hear something he said-
Sometimes I wish I had super power hearing, and eyes on the back of my head... To keep my kids in line.

They used to believe my hearing aids were my super power device to hear things that most people can't......and that I had eyes on the back of my head. Now they are older... :( They do not seem to believe me anymore. :giggle:

MY older daughter told me recently that until she was ten, she really believed I had eyes in the back of my head.

"This is Family Dog, by the Deaf artist Susan Dupor. It symbolizes the isolation that deaf children usually experience in a hearing family."