Thread knockers


New Member
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
4. Informal. to engage in trivial or carping criticism; find fault.

Perhaps I am setting myself up for trouble here but, here goes...
Why do some members seem to take delight in 'knocking' other
peoples threads?
It's a repost!'s silly..boring..uninteresting..ect..ect.
Often these comments are made by those who have only produced
a few threads in as many years themselfs.
Sure, some of the threads are all these but, at least people are
Think twice next time before 'knocking' somebodys confidence.
By the way, I'm a big boy now and can take who
will be first to 'knock' my thread?


This has been debated too many times. Why don't you do a search before starting another pointless and useless thread? Blah Blah Blah :) Well, I can't be bothered arguing with you, because you won't cry me a river anyway. :)
This has been debated too many times. Why don't you do a search before starting another pointless and useless thread? Blah Blah Blah :) Well, I can't be bothered arguing with you, because you won't cry me a river anyway. :)

:lol: Thank you Megaman!
This thread was susposed to be a bit tongue-in-cheek really.
I'm not really that serious about anything...Just have
too much time on my hands today :type:
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The reason why people go around knocking other people's threads is because they don't have enough excitement in real life and they're unhappy, so they choose to take it out on people who they've never met before to make themselves feel better.
I went around knocking on different threads hoping for a good answer. Got some and didnt get some! :lol: