Those who work post a pic

i can see the pic on my screen. i edited it. its still not working for you?
yea i work alone so i dont have anyone to take a pic of me. i have one someone took of me a while back but i have to find it :) later i will post it
Rig Driver...

My office as Technology Coordinator.

Glad I am not the only one with a cluttered desk.

Here is what my office looks like on a daily basis. Been that way for 11 years now. Even my chair doesn't feel soft anymore, the company is too cheap to get me a decent chair, so I got this air seat cushion.

Notice the VP-200 on the wall?

Cant find my other pictures... but yeah.. my desk is actually my backpack. I work whereever there is a Wifi connection.

I rescue deaf dogs. Joey is my latest dog. Had him one year now.