This is a frightening situation in my area

That's an important difference. A 6'2" 19-year-old is not a little kid.

It goes to show that their public information is misleading.

Developmentally, mentally, and emotionally, 19 is still an adolescent. There is not a minute degree of difference between a 19 year old and a 17 year old on these fronts.

What about a 6'2" 15 year old? What does his height have to do with it?

And this facility does not treat "little kids". That would be a juvenile facility. This is an adolescent facilitity.
Again, you are making an assumption. If a probated patient walks away from a mental health facility, law enforcement is notified immediately, as well as the judge that signed the probate papers.
In this case, law enforcement was NOT notified immediately. Because it's a private center, it's only required to report hospitalizations and deaths. They are NOT required by law to report escapes.

That is one of the public complaints.
Then it wouldn't be the middle of nowhere any longer. Kind of blows that solution out of the water.

Nah the town would be all shrinks so they would have an incentive to get it right! And if they didn't who cares.
Oh come on man....we get it. You and Stein have a beef. Does it have to be every thread. Not pickin on ya. Half the time I agree with ya but this quibbling gets old.


beef? I eat kalbi once a week.
Like I said, I understand being concerned. But what we have going on here is overly concerned about things that are being speculated on without anything to support it.

I understand what you are trying to say and I respect it. Your argument, as I understand it, is that this is a juvenile who walked away from a minimum security mental health facility. Since it was minimum security, he was deemed not to be a threat.

You are also claiming that the charges of attempted murder *could* have been completely false.

Makes you wonder what landed him in a mental health facility in the first place if the charges were false.
In this case, law enforcement was NOT notified immediately. Because it's a private center, it's only required to report hospitalizations and deaths. They are NOT required by law to report escapes.

That is one of the public complaints.

Not if the patient has been probated into the facility. Since he was there as a result of law enforcement, he had to have been probated. The law regarding the handling of a probated patient are the same for private and public facilities.

They are not required to report a patient who is voluntarily there for treatment to law enforcement immediately.
I understand what you are trying to say and I respect it. Your argument, as I understand it, is that this is a juvenile who walked away from a minimum security mental health facility. Since it was minimum security, he was deemed not to be a threat.

You are also claiming that the charges of attempted murder *could* have been completely false.

Makes you wonder what landed him in a mental health facility in the first place if the charges were false.

There are many reasons he could be in a mental health facility that have virtually nothing to do with criminal charges.
Who said so?
"And the center's staff made no timely effort to alert police or residents in surrounding neighborhoods, authorities said."

"Police were notified of the runaways an hour after they occurred at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Nearby neighbors were not notified.

Summerville police Sgt. Cassandra Williams said the incident is not considered an escape in South Carolina because the behavioral center is a private facility, not a correctional facility."

"The regulations for that kind of center restrict measures such as use of restraint or isolation, and require the facility to have windows that can be opened for ventilation. The center is not required to report runaways, just hospitalizations and deaths."

4 escapees only had to scale fence | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment
Nah the town would be all shrinks so they would have an incentive to get it right! And if they didn't who cares.

Shrinks are not the only member of a health care team that treats the mentally ill. So, still not a solution.
"And the center's staff made no timely effort to alert police or residents in surrounding neighborhoods, authorities said."

"Police were notified of the runaways an hour after they occurred at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. Nearby neighbors were not notified.

Summerville police Sgt. Cassandra Williams said the incident is not considered an escape in South Carolina because the behavioral center is a private facility, not a correctional facility."

"The regulations for that kind of center restrict measures such as use of restraint or isolation, and require the facility to have windows that can be opened for ventilation. The center is not required to report runaways, just hospitalizations and deaths."
4 escapees only had to scale fence | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

"Authorities said". And authorities never ever deny being informed to cover the fact that they were delinquent in acting.:cool2:

No one is obligated to send a pony express rider out to shout throught the neighborhood, "Mental patient gone! Beware." Find me a single incident where a mental patient walked away from a facility, and the neighbors were informed.
Like I said, Steinhauer, go back and read the whole thread, and then you will be able to comment with some degree of knowlege.

I am commenting with some degree of knowledge. How do you know he hasn't broken into any homes while taking on his new role as "escapee"?

District officials described the teens as having violent criminal histories, and a police source told The Washington Times that Parker is a serious offender. An official in Washington told The Post and Courier that he has been charged with attempted murder.

from Reba's article
I understand where you're coming from, Jillio but I believe it's a perfectly valid reason for us ordinary home owners to be very concerned whenever we hear an incident like this. It's natural for us to take precautionary measure so that nobody gets hurt.... including escapees themselves.
I am commenting with some degree of knowledge. How do you know he hasn't broken into any homes while taking on his new role as "escapee"?

No reports of home invasions or break ins in the area. Given that, chances are pretty good that he hasn't. Much better, in fact, that he has.
I understand where you're coming from, Jillio but I believe it's a perfectly valid reason for us ordinary home owners to be very concerned whenever we hear an incident like this. It's natural for us to take precautionary measure so that nobody gets hurt.... including escapees themselves.

No one says you should not be concerned. I understand that concern. But concern based on speculation rather than actual risk is nothing more than panic. If you want to take the precautions that would really be beneficial, you need to know what the actual risk is.

For instance, it was brought up that the assisted living facility and the residents there were at great risk, even though it has not been determined that a resident of the assisted living facility has ever had any kind of contact with any patient from the mental health facility. That is an exaggerated risk. It was also stated that the facility should not be allowed to be that close to an assisted living facility without even knowing if the mental health facility was there first and the assisted living facility built next to it.

I'm all for reasonable concern. What I am against is all the judgement and irrationality that seems to come out when the word "mental health" is used.