This day is returned of me from alldeaf :)


New Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Hello old buddies or everyone of you, I'm now returned to this forum from Alldeaf which I made a decision to join the forum here with you. At least, it has been a long time for me that I haven't been used this forum about more than four years. You guys are welcome to talk with me. Of course, I am member of other gaming forums. I re-state myself about an introduction of mine from my rewind past below:

"Hola" to all of you on this earth in my spanish language to speak. I mention about myself being a great guy on the planet where I come from. Three things are running into your mind to be welcomed to read my introduction about myself.

First of all, I'm an hearing impairment that's how I received a meningitis at the age of three months from my mom's sickness on the several days in the hospital. I grew up in the Southern California where is most beautiful place I've lived for my childhood with sense of humors. I made myself many troubles in my old school turn into a good student at the college in New York. Of course, I was most nerdy student in the high school. I was majoring to be either a PC Technician or Information Technology Specialist. Some of people mentioned I am an expert Computer Specialist. I learned everything to inherit a computer lesson from my most wonderful dad's old buddy.

Second of all, I am being good at a little longer single life. At least, I am currently not interested in any certain girl in a million of personalities on this earth. You see my myth has been told that my feeling is being held in the heart with a cold and build a hundred of stones protecting it away from those invaders like evil girls to capture a heart of mine. I will be willing to let someone open my secret of heart with a key to open for her. I rather just let it happen or I am sitting a very nice wooden-bench for the God to clear out of sinners in the path to find me a special girl with amazing personality. I like a lady who has a great sense of humor or fitting into my incredulous personality. On the other hand, I'm a white lover girl since a very pretty young white girl started to ask me for a little secret love on us until she already left me. My mind was like annoyed to me to start my interested in general of those white girls.

Last of all, my knowledge has given you a last thing from a first thing to an end thing to learn from mine. For your information, I am geek, skater, and gamer. Some of people said I'm an awesome guy or best comedian! I told them, "Mad props for your positive opinion impact on my thought." It doesn't have a matter of time that I am hyper to pick many girls. It was not right. My point in this about myself down to earth. I knew there are plenty of fishes in the ocean. I would try to fish someone out of a million of fishes in the water. It would be someone for me when the God makes a right time and discover me a lucky girl on this planet. My dream comes true for me to be an actor or successful man on this latest year. I am not quite sure that I try to write everyday of my life. However, I write once a week about myself in Xanga. I leave a message to you, "De nada for reading my introduction!"

In addition, I'm currently working at the Geeksquad in Best Buy since I got hired from the Best Buy as Counter Intelligence Agency this couple of weeks ago. This Counter Intelligence Agency describe about to be as an Entry Level of PC Technician. I also have another part-time job at ZVRS as Sale Associate and Z Specialist.

P.S. Some of fellows you remind me of those old days and send a private message here to me. Another option is an answer to be supposed only if you want to know about ZVRS, then please do not hesistate to ask me :)

Thank you for reading a little long above story of mine. I double threads on this general chat and introduction, too. Now you get some earns to know of me. Please be welcome to post here.